
International Management: Culture, Strategy, and Behavior 11th Edition by Fred Luthans Test bank

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Award: 10.00 points
Award: 10.00 points
Internationalization is the vision of creating one world unit, a single market entity.
Internationalization is the process of a business crossing national and cultural borders, while
globalization is the vision of creating one world unit, a single market entity.
True / False Learning Objective:
01-01 ASSESS the
implications of
globalization for
countries, industries,
firms, and
In the context of the changing global demographics, elderly populations spend money on housing
and other capitally financed purchases.
While elderly populations spend money on health care services, younger populations spend income
on housing and other capitally financed purchases.
True / False Learning Objective:
01-01 ASSESS the
implications of
globalization for
countries, industries,
firms, and

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Award: 10.00 points
Award: 10.00 points
North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) members are better integrated as a single market
than the European Union (EU) or the allied Asian countries.
Even though long-standing cultural differences remain, and the European Union has recently
experienced some substantial challenges, the European Union is more integrated as a single
market than NAFTA, CAFTA, or the allied Asian countries.
True / False Learning Objective:
01-01 ASSESS the
implications of
globalization for
countries, industries,
firms, and
The United Nations (U.N.) has increasingly embraced social media as a tool to enhance diplomacy
and understanding worldwide.
The United Nations (U.N.) has increasingly embraced social media as a tool to enhance diplomacy
and understanding worldwide. The U.N. maintains official accounts on Twitter, YouTube, Flickr,
Pinterest, Tumblr, Instagram, Snapchat, and LinkedIn, and, as of 2019, boasts over 4 million followers
on its primary Facebook page.
True / False Learning Objective:
01-01 ASSESS the
implications of
globalization for
countries, industries,
firms, and

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 

Award: 10.00 points
An increase in the ease of travel between countries is an important development that has occurred
because of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA).
An increase in the ease of travel between countries is an important development that has occurred
because of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). Other important developments
include the elimination of tariffs as well as import and export quotas, the opening of government
procurement markets to companies in Canada and Mexico, an increase in the opportunity to make
investments in each other's country, and the removal of restrictions on agricultural products, auto
parts, and energy goods.
True / False Learning Objective:
01-01 ASSESS the
implications of
globalization for
countries, industries,
firms, and
 

Award: 10.00 points
Award: 10.00 points
Initial reports from Goldman Sachs, issued in the early 2000s, predicted that BRIC (Brazil, Russia,
India, and China) economies' share of world growth could double from 20 percent in 2003 to more
than 40 percent by 2025.
Initial reports from Goldman Sachs, issued in the early 2000s, predicted that BRIC economies' share
of world growth could double from 20 percent in 2003 to more than 40 percent by 2025. In recent
years, however, global economic conditions have led to some setbacks for the economies of Brazil,
Russia, and China, leading some to reconsider the rate at which the BRIC economies will continue
to grow.
True / False Learning Objective:
01-01 ASSESS the
implications of
globalization for
countries, industries,
firms, and
Foreign direct investment (FDI) has been increasing rapidly among developed economies since the
past few years.
Foreign direct investment (FDI)—the term used to indicate the amount invested in property, plant,
and equipment in another country—has slowed somewhat in recent years. However, it is important
to note that most of the decrease in FDI investment is occurring among developed economies.
True / False Learning Objective:
01-01 ASSESS the
implications of
