
Managerial Economics and Strategy 3rd Edition by Jeffrey M Perloff Test bank

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C) sales strategy

D) None of the above—all are part of a firm's strategy.

Answer:  D

Skill:  Conceptual

AACSB:  Analytical Thinking

Status:  Old


11) What is the purpose of having a strategy?

Answer:  A strategy defines for a manager the actions to be taken to maximize the firm's profits.

Skill:  Conceptual

AACSB:  Written and Oral Communication

Status:  Old


12) Explain what the statement "We can't have everything we want" means.

Answer:  Because resources are scarce, we face tradeoffs. For example, a baker cannot use a piece of dough she has for both pizza and a croissant, so she has to decide which to make.

Skill:  Conceptual

AACSB:  Reflective Thinking

Status:  Old


13) What is profit?

Answer:  Profit is the difference between a firm's revenue or income and its costs or expenses.

Skill:  Definition

AACSB:  Written and Oral Communication

Status:  Old


14) Give an example of a tradeoff a pizza restaurant might face.

Answer:  Whether to make pepperoni or combination pizzas.

Skill:  Definition

AACSB:  Analytical Thinking

Status:  Old



15) Why might raising the price of a good by a dollar lead to lower profits?

Answer:  If the extra profit margin made on the units sold does not cover the lost profit from selling fewer units, then profits will actually decrease if the price is raised.

Skill:  Analytical

AACSB:  Analytical Thinking

Status:  Old


16) Why might raising the price of a good by a dollar lead to higher profits?

Answer:  If the extra profit margin made on the units sold covers the profit lost from selling fewer units, then profits will increase if the price is raised.

Skill:  Analytical

AACSB:  Analytical Thinking

Status:  Old


17) Raising the price of a good by one dollar

A) increases profits.

B) decreases profits.

C) leaves profits unchanged.

D) leads to an indeterminant change in profits.

Answer:  D

Skill:  Analytical

AACSB:  Analytical Thinking

Status:  Old


18) Most private firms seek to

A) maximize revenue.

B) maximize profit.

C) minimize headcount.

D) maximize employee salaries.

Answer:  B

Skill:  Conceptual

AACSB:  Analytical Thinking

Status:  Old


For the following, please answer "True" or "False" and explain why.


19) Managers have to understand the decision making of others.

Answer:  True. Other entities such as governments and rivals may undertake actions that constrain a firm. Consumers and workers make decisions on how to spend their scarce resources, such as budgets and time. To maximize profits, the manager must understand how these other entities will behave.

Skill:  Conceptual

AACSB:  Analytical Thinking

Status:  Old



1.2   Economic Models


1) The purpose of making assumptions in economic model building is to

A) force the model to yield the correct answer.

B) minimize the amount of work an economist must do.

C) simplify the model while keeping important details.

D) express the relationship mathematically.
