
Research Methods in Psychology: Evaluating a World of Information 3rd Edition Test bank

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           a.    Both are written for the general public.

           b.    Both tend to be written by scientists.

           c.    Both tend to publish peer-reviewed articles.

           d.    Both are trying to inform their readers.

ANS:  D                  DIF:    Easy REF:      1.2 How Scientists Approach Their Work: Scientists Make It Public: The Publication Process | 1.2 How Scientists Approach Their Work: Scientists Talk to the World: From Journal to Journalism               OBJ:   Learning Objective 1.4 MSC:           Analyzing

   28.   Which of the following is the reason that scientific journals use peer review?

           a.    It is cost effective.

           b.    It is more efficient/faster.

           c.    It encourages collaboration among researchers.

           d.    It ensures that the studies published are of the highest quality.

ANS:  D                  DIF:    Medium REF: 1.2 How Scientists Approach Their Work: Scientists Make It Public: The Publication Process OBJ:                      Learning Objective 1.4            MSC:  Remembering

   29.   Nadia submits her article to a scientific journal for publication. Who makes the final decision on whether her article is published in that scientific journal?

           a.    The editor of the journal

           b.    Nadia, the author of the article

           c.    A panel of experts

           d.    The publisher of the journal

ANS:  A                  DIF:    Difficult REF: 1.2 How Scientists Approach Their Work: Scientists Make It Public: The Publication Process OBJ:                      Learning Objective 1.4            MSC:  Applying

   30.   Which aspect of the peer-review cycle allows for the greatest amount of honesty in reviews?

           a.    The number of peer reviewers

           b.    The anonymity of the peer reviewers

           c.    The possibility of rejection

           d.    The frequency of publication

ANS:  B                   DIF:    Difficult REF: 1.2 How Scientists Approach Their Work: Scientists Make It Public: The Publication Process OBJ:                      Learning Objective 1.4            MSC:  Remembering

   31.   Dr. Gonzalez is a peer reviewer for a manuscript submitted to a journal. He is likely to provide comments on which of the following?
