
Project Management: The Managerial Process 8th Edition by Erik Larson Test bank

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Budgets and duration are NOT predictable because some pieces of the product will have to be
Multiple Choice Difficulty: 2 Medium
MC Qu. 55
(Static) When
the project
Learning Objective:
01-04 Describe how
Agile PM is different
from traditional PM.

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Award: 10.00 points
MC Qu. 56 (Static) Agile project management...
Agile project management involves ____ whereas traditional project management involves
iterative and incremental delivery, upfront planning with high predictability
high certainty, projects with unstable scope
high uncertainty, projects with unknown requirements
known and stable scope, unknown requirements
projects with high predictability, project with unknown or unstable requirements
Agile project management, by its very nature, entails incremental delivery in which an iteration
produces and delivers a new piece of functionality of the product to the customer. The incremental
delivery takes place throughout the project. Traditional project management should be employed
whenever project scope and technology are well known and stable implying predictability.
Multiple Choice Difficulty: 2 Medium
MC Qu. 56
(Static) Agile
Learning Objective:
01-04 Describe how
Agile PM is different
from traditional PM.
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Award: 10.00 points
MC Qu. 57 (Static) Projects with high...
Projects with high predictability are said to have ____.
unknown or unstable scope
unknown or unstable requirements
the best circumstances for use of traditional project management
the best circumstances for use of agile project management
iterative and incremental delivery
Projects with high predictability should use the traditional method for project management.
Multiple Choice Difficulty: 2 Medium
MC Qu. 57
(Static) Projects
with high...
Learning Objective:
01-04 Describe how
Agile PM is different
from traditional PM.

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Award: 10.00 points
MC Qu. 58 (Static) Iterative and incremental...
Iterative and incremental delivery means ______.
the project uses the traditional method of project management
the entire project product or service is delivered all at once at the end of the project
the project documentation is completed and delivered after each milestone
the components or features of the project product or service are delivered one at a time
throughout the duration of the project
product functionality is delivered all at once at the end of the project
The word ‘delivery’ refers to how the product is delivered to the customer. The agile project method
delivers the product one piece at a time for the customer to review and does this throughout the
project. This method of delivery accommodates a customer who does not know exactly what he
wants but will know it when he sees it. The traditional project method delivers all of the product at
the end of the project; there is no opportunity for feedback from the customer.
Multiple Choice Difficulty: 2 Medium
MC Qu. 58
(Static) Iterative
Learning Objective:
01-04 Describe how
Agile PM is different
from traditional PM.

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Award: 10.00 points
TF Qu. 59 (Static) Accountants, architects, and...
Accountants, architects, and attorneys are among professional people who excel at managing
projects yet never have the title of project manager.
They include accountants, lawyers, administrators, scientists, contractors, teachers, etc.
True / False Difficulty: 2 Medium
TF Qu. 59
architects, and...
Learning Objective:
01-01 Understand
why project
management (PM) is
crucial in today's
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Award: 10.00 points
TF Qu. 60 (Static) The Project Management Institute...
The Project Management Institute has a certification for project managers known as Project
Management Professional (PMP).
The PMI provides certification as a Project Management Professional (PMP)—someone who has
documented sufficient project experience, agreed to follow the PMI code of professional conduct,
and demonstrated mastery of the field of project management by passing a comprehensive
examination. See Snapshot: The Project Management Institute.
True / False Difficulty: 1 Easy



