
Psychology An Exploration 4th Edition by Saundra Ciccarelli test bank

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            b) learning
            c) cognitive
             d) sociocultural
Incorrect. The sociocultural perspective focuses on culture and sociology, not biology.
Topic: The Field of Psychology Today
ANS: a, Apply What You Know, LO 1.3 Summarize the basic ideas behind the seven modern perspectives in psychology., (1)  
TB_01_61_The Field of Psychology Today_Analyze_LO 1.3, APA 1.2
The field of biopsychology is part of the larger discipline of ________, which refers to the study of the physical structure, function, and development of the nervous system.
             a) neuroscience
Correct. This is the proper definition of neuroscience.
             b) behavioral genetics
             c) sociobiology
             d) medicine
Incorrect. The field of medicine is related to biopsychology, but this is not the best answer.
Topic: The Field of Psychology Today
ANS: a, Analyze It, LO 1.3 Summarize the basic ideas behind the seven modern perspectives in psychology., (2)  
TB_01_62_The Field of Psychology Today_Apply_LO 1.3, APA 1.2
Dr. Lee is a psychologist who tries to understand how people select their spouses. She must be a(n) ________.
             a) behavioral psychologist
             b) cognitive psychologist
             c) evolutionary psychologist
Correct. Evolutionary psychologists look at how human mate selection evolved.
             d) biopsychological psychologist
Incorrect. Mate preference is an evolutionary issue.
Topic: The Field of Psychology Today
ANS: c, Apply What You Know, LO 1.3 Summarize the basic ideas behind the seven modern perspectives in psychology., (3)
TB_01_63_The Field of Psychology Today_Understand_LO 1.3, APA 1.2
Evolutionary psychology might suggest that certain cognitive strategies and goals are built into the brain because:
        a) they help humans adapt to their natural environment.
Correct. Adaptation and survival are the basic tenets of evolutionary theory.
        b) human brains are similar to the brains of the higher primates.
        c) they are the result of learning that has taken place over many centuries.
Incorrect. In fact, evolutionary theory does not allow for the idea that learned behaviors can become genetically passed from generation to generation.
        d) they are the result of memories we have inherited from our ancestors.
Topic: The Field of Psychology Today
ANS: a, Understand the Concepts, LO 1.3 Summarize the basic ideas behind the seven modern perspectives in psychology., (3)
TB_01_64_The Field of Psychology Today_Analyze_LO 1.3, APA 1.2
Dr. Jones probably agrees with the ________ theory of psychology, since he contends that humans are intelligent species due to the fact that intelligence gives us an advantage in the natural world.
        a) psychoanalytic
        b) behavioral
        c) cognitive
Incorrect. Cognitive psychology does not address concepts like advantages in the natural world. The best answer to this question is evolutionary psychology.
        d) evolutionary
Correct. Survival advantage is a basic premise of evolutionary psychology.
Topic: The Field of Psychology Today
ANS: d, Analyze It,  LO 1.3 Summarize the basic ideas behind the seven modern perspectives in psychology., (3)
Psychological Professionals and Areas of Specialization
Learning Objective 1.4 - Differentiate between the various types of professionals within the field of psychology.
TB_01_65_The Field of Psychology Today_Remember_LO 1.4, APA 1.1
Which of the following statements is correct?
             a) A psychologist has no medical training.
Correct. Psychologists do not go to medical school; they go to graduate school.



