
Psychology An Exploration 4th Edition by Saundra Ciccarelli test bank

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Who claimed that behavior is affected by reinforcement?
             a) William James  
b) Sigmund Freud
Incorrect. Freud did not emphasize positive reinforcement.
             c) B. F. Skinner
Correct. Skinner believed that behavior that is followed by good consequences is reinforced.   
             d) Wilhelm Wundt
Topic: The Field of Psychology Today
ANS: c, Remember the Facts, LO 1.3 Summarize the basic ideas behind the seven modern perspectives in psychology., (2)
% correct 77      a= 11  b= 4  c= 77  d= 8      r = .40
% correct 66      a= 23  b= 6  c= 66  d= 3      r = .36
TB_01_49_The Field of Psychology Today_Apply_LO 1.3, APA 1.2
Radleigh is a therapist who uses terms such as free will and self-actualization. Which psychological perspective is most consistent with Radleigh’s terminology?
a) behaviorism
Incorrect. This perspective does not suggest free will or human nature.    
b) humanism
Correct. This perspective suggests people have many choices.    
c) functionalism
d) psychodynamics
Topic: The Field of Psychology Today
ANS: b, Apply What You Know, LO 1.3 Summarize the basic ideas behind the seven modern perspectives in psychology., (2)
TB_01_50_The Field of Psychology Today_Remember_LO 1.3, APA 1.2
Which perspective focuses on free will and self-actualization?
a) psychoanalysis
Incorrect. This theory does not acknowledge free will.
b) humanism
Correct. Humanist theory focuses on free will and self-actualization.
c) cognitive perspective
d) behaviorism
Topic: The Field of Psychology Today
ANS: b, Remember the Facts, LO 1.3 Summarize the basic ideas behind the seven modern perspectives in psychology., (2)
% correct 77      a= 2  b= 77  c= 10  d= 15      r = .33
TB_01_51_The Field of Psychology Today_Understand_LO 1.3, APA 1.2
Humanist Abraham Maslow suggested that when people reach self-actualization, they:
a) develop to their fullest potential.
Correct. When a person has become everything they are capable of, they have become self-actualized according to Maslow.
b) avoid negative consequences of behavior.
c) seek maximum reward for all their behaviors.
Incorrect. This would be a theoretical suggestion of the behaviorist, not a humanist.
d) learn from their mistakes and move on.
Topic: The Field of Psychology Today
ANS: a, Understand the Concepts, LO 1.3 Summarize the basic ideas behind the seven modern perspectives in psychology., (2)
TB_01_52_The Field of Psychology Today_Analyze_LO 1.3, APA 1.2
In the early part of the past century, psychologists who broke down thought processes into their basic elements and analyzed them were called structuralists. What term might we use to describe psychologists with similar interests today?
a) Gestalt
Incorrect. Gestaltists were not involved in breaking down thought processes into basic elements.              
b) cognitive
Correct. The cognitive perspective focuses on breaking down thought processes.
c) behavioral     
d) humanistic
Topic: The Field of Psychology Today
ANS: b, Analyze It, LO 1.3 Summarize the basic ideas behind the seven modern perspectives in psychology., (3)    
TB_01_53_The Field of Psychology Today_Remember_LO 1.3, APA 1.2, 2.4
Cognitive neuroscientists can examine the brain with ________.
electrolysis and PET
PET, MRI, and fMRI
Correct: These are all discussed in the book and used by cognitive neuroscientists.
MRI and electrolysis
Gamma images and electrolysis
Incorrect. PET and MRI is the right answer.
Topic: The Field of Psychology Today
ANS: b, Remember the Facts, LO 1.3 Summarize the basic ideas behind the seven modern perspectives in psychology., (2)
APA=1.2; 2.4
TB_01_54_The Field of Psychology Today_Remember_LO 1.3, APA 1.2, 2.4
The emerging field of brain imagery in cognitive neuroscience has developed methods, such as MRI, to examine ________.
images and activity of the living brain
Correct. MRI and PET take images of a living brain for analysis.
biopsies of the brain of a cadaver
Incorrect. Biopsies are not taken by a MRI.



