
Psychology An Exploration 4th Edition by Saundra Ciccarelli test bank

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TB_01_99_The Scientific Approach_Remember_LO 1.6, APA 2.4
Which research method involves watching behaviors as they occur without intervening or altering the behaviors in any way?
             a) case study
Incorrect. Case studies involve interacting with subjects, not just watching them, in order to get as much information about them as possible.
             b) experiment
             c) correlational studies
             d) naturalistic observation
Correct. Naturalistic observation involves watching behaviors without intervening.
Topic: The Scientific Approach
ANS: d, Remember the Facts, LO 1.6 Compare and contrast some of the methods used to describe behavior., (1)
% correct 96      a= 1  b= 1  c= 2  d= 96      r = .33
TB_01_100_The Scientific Approach_Apply_LO 1.6, APA 2.4
When you watch children play in the park, or watch how people act at the beach, you are engaging in a form of ________.
         a) case study research
Incorrect. Case study research follows one person closely for a long period of time.
         b) naturalistic observation
Correct. In naturalistic observation, you are just watching—that is, observing.
         c) survey research
         d) psychometric study
Topic: The Scientific Approach
ANS: b, Apply What You Know, LO 1.6 Compare and contrast some of the methods used to describe behavior., (1)
TB_01_101_The Scientific Approach_Apply_LO 1.6, APA 2.1, 2.4
Joe conducted a naturalistic observation as a project for a psychology class. He observed the interactions of parents and children at a restaurant. Many of the people he observed seemed to notice him. When Joe described his work to his teacher, she suggested he find out more about the ________.
             a) restaurant effect  
             b) parent effect   
             c) butterfly effect
Incorrect. There is no psychological concept known as the butterfly effect.
             d) observer effect
Correct. In noticing Joe, the parents may have realized they were being observed, which might have affected their behavior due to the observer effect.
Topic: The Scientific Approach
ANS: d, Apply What You Know, LO 1.6 Compare and contrast some of the methods used to describe behavior., (2)
APA=2.1; 2.4
TB_01_102_The Scientific Approach_Apply_LO 1.6, APA 2.1, 2.4
Dr. Smith is conducting research in China into the ways that mothers and their toddlers interact throughout the day. Given the purpose of her study, it is most likely that she is engaged in ________.
a) naturalistic observation
Correct. Naturalistic observation involves observing and describing, which is what the doctor seeks to do.
b) laboratory observation
         c) case study research
Incorrect. Case study research focuses on one subject at a time and involves more than simple observation and description.
         d) experimental research
Topic: The Scientific Approach
ANS: a, Apply What You Know, LO 1.6 Compare and contrast some of the methods used to describe behavior., (2)
APA=2.1; 2.4
TB_01_103_The Scientific Approach_Apply_LO 1.6, APA 2.1, 2.4
Tina wanted to study the effects of having the oldest child in a family go off to college. She decided to use her own family after her brother went off to a college in California. She took notes each day on her parents’ behavior and kept a diary on her own reactions. Tina was using the technique called ________.
             a) participant observation
Correct. Since Tina was part of the family she was observing, she was a participant observer.
             b) family survey
             c) observer bias
Incorrect. Although Tina was a family member, there was no indication in the information given that she had any opinion one way or another.



