
Psychology An Exploration 4th Edition by Saundra Ciccarelli test bank

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         b. psychiatric social worker                       d. psychiatrist 
Answer: d
Difficulty: Moderate
Topic: The History of Psychology
Skill: Remember the Facts
Objective (LO): 1.4 Differentiate the various types of professionals within the field of psychology.
Bloom’s taxonomy: Knowledge     
7. ________ is the study of learning, memory, language, and problem solving, and includes the field of cognitive neuroscience.
         a. Biopsychology                                        c. Neo-Freudianism
         b. Biopsychology                                        d. Cognitive psychology
Answer: d
Difficulty: Moderate
Topic: The History of Psychology
Skill: Remember the Facts
Objective (LO): 1.3 Summarize the basic ideas behind the seven modern perspectives in psychology.
Bloom’s taxonomy: Knowledge
8. 1.3 Summarize the basic ideas behind the seven modern perspectives in psychology.
         a. the descriptive methods                          c. the scientific method
         b. case studies                                     d. naturalistic observation
Answer: c
Difficulty: Moderate
Topic: Scientific Research
Skill: Understand the Concepts
Objective (LO): 1.5 Recall the five steps of the scientific approach.
Bloom’s taxonomy: Comprehension
9. Researchers who allow their expectations about what they will see affect the results of their observation studies are suffering from _______.
         a. observer bias.                                           c. the observer effect.
         b. participation observation.                       d. controlled observation.
Answer: a
Difficulty: Moderate
Topic: The History of Psychology
Skill: Understand the Concepts
Objective (LO): 1.6 Compare and contrast some of the methods used to describe behavior.
Bloom’s taxonomy: Comprehension
10. If a correlation coefficient is positive, ________.
         a. the two variables increase or decrease in the same direction.
         b. the two variables have an inverse relationship.
         c. only one of the variables goes up.
         d. only one of the variables goes up.
Answer: a
Difficulty: Moderate
Topic: Scientific Research
Skill: Understand the Concepts
Objective (LO): 1.7 Explain how researchers use the correlational technique to study the relationships between two or more variables.
Bloom’s taxonomy: Comprehension
11. Correlation will tell researchers _______.
         a. Correlation will tell researchers
         b. if there is a relationship between variables.
         c. the opinions of every participant in a study.
         d. how many variables can be included in a study.
Answer: b
Difficulty: Moderate
Topic: Scientific Research
Skill: Understand the Concepts
Objective (LO): 1.7 Explain how researchers use the correlational technique to study the relationships between two or more variables.



