
Strategic Management: Concepts and Cases 3rd Edition by Jeffrey H. Dyer Test bank

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a) Complementary products or services
b) Resource-based view of firm
c) Attractiveness of an industry
d) Segmentation analysis
Answer: b
Difficulty: Hard
Section Reference 2: What Information and Analysis Guides Strategy Formulation?
Learning Objective 2: Summarize the information that the company’s mission and thorough external and internal analysis provide to guide strategy.
Bloomcode: Application
Standard 1: AACSB || Analytic

30) The executives at Purple Inc. hold a meeting where they decide the best way to showcase their products. They have a brainstorming session to identify the best geographical areas to conduct business that will bring them maximum profits. They also identify their competitors and decide whether they would be able to withstand top companies selling similar products. The executives at Purple Inc. are discussing a(n) ________.
a) emergent strategy
b) functional strategy
c) business unit strategy
d) corporate strategy
Answer: d
Difficulty: Hard
Section Reference 3: How Are Strategies Formulated?
Learning Objective 3: Discuss how strategies are formulated and implemented in order to achieve objectives.
Bloomcode: Application
Standard 1: AACSB || Analytic

31) SunLite Corp. runs fitness centers which are owned by the parent company Cyan Inc. Ryan, the manager of Cyan Inc., needs to decide on how to overcome competition by other fitness centers. He finally decides to bring in advanced facilities, such as imported gym equipment, to give faster results and keep SunLite centers open for patrons 24x7. Ryan feels that this will allow the company to gain more profits. This scenario best illustrates a ________.
a) business unit strategy
b) functional strategy
c) emergent strategy
d) strategy vehicle
Answer: a
Difficulty: Hard
Section Reference 3: How Are Strategies Formulated?
Learning Objective 3: Discuss how strategies are formulated and implemented in order to achieve objectives.
Bloomcode: Application
Standard 1: AACSB || Analytic

32) Sheng, the CEO of Mirrorz Inc., comes up with a plan to implement business unit strategies successfully. He decides to do this by making technical advancements in the manufacturing process of the products and developing a solid financial system run by an efficient team. He also plans to establish a marketing team that would sell to people who would not normally buy the product. The ultimate mission of the company would be to provide a customer friendly environment. The plan initiated by Sheng can be best categorized as a(n) ________.
a) segmentation analysis
b) emergent strategy
c) functional strategy
d) business unit strategy
Answer: c
Difficulty: Hard
Section Reference 3: How Are Strategies Formulated?
Learning Objective 3: Discuss how strategies are formulated and implemented in order to achieve objectives.
Bloomcode: Application
Standard 1: AACSB || Analytic

33) Femi, the founder of Pluto Inc., feels that the company has been able to continuously maintain competitive advantage due to the plans of action she initiated years ago. The plan involved establishing and maintaining contacts with influential business personnel, amicably taking over small companies that would help bringing in profits for Pluto Inc., and creating raw materials from scratch rather than buying from other companies. This type of planning is an example of ________.
a) resource pools
b) corporate think tanks
c) strategic vehicles
d) functional vehicles
Answer: c
Difficulty: Hard
Section Reference 3: How Are Strategies Formulated?
Learning Objective 3: Discuss how strategies are formulated and implemented in order to achieve objectives.
Bloomcode: Application
Standard 1: AACSB || Analytic

34) The top executives of Willow Inc., a furniture company, have decided what markets to compete in. Willow Inc. now has to adopt a set of organizational processes that enables it to effectively carry out these decisions. In order to translate these decisions into organizational action in a successful manner, the functional activities of the company are being measured for their efficacy to support organizational decisions. Which of the following does this scenario best illustrate?
a) Strategy implementation
b) Strategy vehicles
c) Emergent strategy
d) Business unit strategy
Answer: a
Difficulty: Hard
Section Reference 3: How Are Strategies Formulated?
Learning Objective 3: Discuss how strategies are formulated and implemented in order to achieve objectives.



