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orbit有什么意思呢?orbit它的用法是怎样的呢?今天小编给大家带来了ordinary的用法 ,希望能够帮助到大家,一起来学习吧。


n. 轨道,势力范围,眼眶,(人生的)旅程,生活过程

vt.& vi. 在…轨道上运行,环绕轨道运行

vi. 盘旋,绕轨道运行

vt. 绕轨道而行,进入轨道

变形:过去式: orbited; 现在分词:orbiting; 过去分词:orbited;




orbit用作及物动词时,接名词或代词作宾语; 用作不及物动词时,与around, in, round等连用。


The space shuttle will orbit a weather satellite.太空梭将把一个气象卫星送入运行轨道。

They could not lay their fingers on the reason for the rocket's failure to orbit.他们找不出火箭不能进入轨道的原因。

Make one more orbit to the left again.左转弯再盘旋一圈。


Make one more orbit to the left again.左转弯再盘旋一圈。

Avery's banked into a covering orbit while Byrne's plunged toward the restaurant.埃弗利乘坐的战机在空中盘旋掩护,班尼乘坐的战机则向饭店径直飞了过去。


1、The planet is probably in orbit around a small star.


2、Yet bigger satellites will be sent up into orbit.


3、The orbit of this comet intersects the orbit of the Earth.


orbit词组 | 习惯用语

in orbit 在轨道上;在轨道上运行;[俚语]飘飘然

earth orbit 地球轨道

orbit determination 轨道计算,定轨

low earth orbit 近地轨道

circular orbit 圆轨道

elliptical orbit 卫星椭圆轨道;椭圆轨迹

orbit the earth 绕地球飞行

orbit transfer n. 轨道转换

elliptic orbit 椭圆轨道

go into orbit [美国俚语];◎成功,大获成功;◎暴跳如雷,勃然大怒;◎达到极点;

orbit calculation 轨道计算

geostationary orbit 地球静止轨道


1.A plane orbited over the landing field.有一架飞机在机场上空盘旋。

2.The earth orbits the sun once every 365.25 days.地球每365.25天绕太阳轨道一圈。

3.Mars, Venus and the other planets move in eccentric orbits.火星、金星及其他行星沿不正圆的轨道运行。

4.They put a weather satellite into orbit round the earth.他们把一颗气象卫星送入环绕地球的轨道。

5.Let's pretend we're on the spaceship orbiting round the earth!让我们假装是在沿轨道绕地球运转的宇宙飞船上!

6.Conclusion Orbit fracture reposit through sinus operation has obvious advantage.结论鼻窦进路行眼眶骨折复位有明显的优越性。

7.The orbiter closed with the space station in preparation for docking.飞船接近空间站准备相接

8.The mass was calculated by timing the orbit of Eris' moon Dysnomia.通过对厄里斯的卫星--戴丝诺米娅运行轨道计时后计算出了厄里斯的质量。

9.Galileo was forced to recant his assertion that the earth orbited the sun.伽利略被迫放弃地球围绕太阳转的断言。

10.Our satellite itself will orbit around the moon for a period of two days.我们的人造卫星本身将绕月球运行两天的时间。

11.The orbit of the artificial satellite has an apogee of 200 miles from the earth.这个人造卫星的轨道,其最远点在离地球200英里的地方。

12.Mercury orbits the Sun.水星环绕太阳运行。

13.The moon orbits Earth.月球围着地球运转

14.The repeated thrust applications at apoapsis would raise periapsis from inside to outside the stationary orbit.重复在远心点施以推力,会将近心点由同步轨道内提升到同步轨道外。

15.Also, as our sun orbits the galactic center it may sweep through areas of interstellar dustiness.同样的,因为太阳位于重力的中心,它可能会清除有星际尘埃的区域。

16.The first satellites placed in geostationary orbit were the synchronous communication(SYNCOM)satellites launched by NASA in 1963.第一个放置在对地静止轨道的卫星是1963年美国航空暨太空总署发射的同步传输卫星.

17.It orbits an inhospitable ice world named Orto Plutonia, which was a protectorate of the Pantorans.它围绕一颗不适宜居住的冰冻星球奥托普卢托尼亚旋转,奥托普卢托尼亚是潘托拉人的保护地。

18.Apollo 8 was a test in which an Apollo moonship was put into orbit around the moon.太阳神八号是将一艘登月艇纳入绕月球轨道的一项试验。

19.John Glenn, the first American to orbit the earth, carried pureed applesauce in squeezable tubes on his initial space flight.3.约翰?格伦,第一位绕地环行的美国宇航员,在他的首次飞行时带有软管包装的苹果酱。

20.The shape and perigee of artificial satellite orbits shall continually variate due to caused by the atmospherical drag and the earth gravity.人造地球卫星的轨道由于大气阻力和地球引力场等因素的摄动,其形状和近地点位置将不断改变。


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