
Global Business Today: Asia-Pacific Perspective 5th edition by Charles W. L. Hill Solution manual

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  • increased potential for sales to foreign investors having given them contracts to produce some of the parts
  • lowering of costs to the business, potentially increasing the returns to shareholders.
    The drawbacks are:
    • principally, obtaining and maintaining supplier contacts and contracts in foreign markets is inherently difficult
    • keeping quality standards uniform and consistently high needs constant close attention
    • contract manufacturing gives the right of ‘hire and fire’ to the Chinese subcontractors, so that employment contracts, wages and conditions are outside the domain of the parent company to manage or influence.
    2. How has globalisation made Boeing’s approach to the production of the Dreamliner possible?
    Answer guide: Global supply chain management has been an effective driver in assisting Boeing to achieve introduction of the 787 Dreamliner. Without it, continued significant investment in skills and parts manufacturing would have needed to be done in the home market in the US. Achieving the position of ‘best in the world’ at performing a particular supplier activity (parts manufacturing) has been embraced by participating nations, which has enabled Boeing to compete on price with its main competitors. However, the decision to outsource the production of manufacturing parts to overseas suppliers has caused some upset within Boeing, such that a rebalancing of its global supply chain approach to strategy and operations has ensued. Teaching Tip: General information on Boeing. Go to: https://www.boeing.com/company/general-info/
    Lecture Note: You may be keen to appreciate how Boeing builds an aeroplane in nine days. Go to: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=liZ0WEEsuz4.


    Country Focus: China: Belt and Road Initiative

    China, the world’s second largest economy, seeks to influence global economic and political order through the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI). According to the World Bank, the objective of this initiative is to enhance infrastructure, trade and investment links between China and participating countries. To facilitate the movement of goods along the trading routes, and to encourage cooperation and broader exchange between these nations, the Chinese government offers foreign aids, loans and investments to some countries in Asia and Africa to develop their infrastructure. Critics have argued that the Beijing government uses this initiative to advance its own interests.
    Suggested discussion questions
    Discuss some of the controversies that were caused by the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI). Do you think countries use initiatives to advance their own interests?
    Critics have argued that China is taking advantage of poorer countries through the use of loans. This might result in heavy debt burdens, and political independence on the Chinese government. Also, it is questionable if the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) will be benefiting China instead of participating nations. Many Western countries also view both the BRI and the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) as means for the Chinese government to assert its geopolitical will through economic ways. Students should consider that powerful countries will always seek to advance their own interests, but hopefully they will also offer benefits to other nations, resulting in a ‘win-win’ result for all parties. 
    Teaching Tip: World Bank’s perspective on China Belt and Road initiative. Visit:  www.worldbank.org/en/topic/regional-integration/brief/belt-and-road-initiative
    Teaching Tip: SBS explains China’s Belt and Road initiative. Visit: www.sbs.com.au/news/explainer/what-chinas-belt-and-road-initiative


    Management Focus: Who makes the Apple iPhone?

    This feature highlights the advantages of assembling Apple’s iPhone in China, which include lower labour costs resulting in lower production costs, size or scale advantages, quality standards being met and speed of delivery schedules also being met. Despite these advantages of outsourcing to China, several disadvantages relate to the poor working conditions for workers in several subcontractor locations. Efforts to reconcile the sometimes conflicting relationship between meeting efficiency measures and effectiveness outcomes are ongoing.
    Suggested discussion questions

