
Strategic Management: A Competitive Advantage Approach Concepts and Cases 17th Edition Instructor ma

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6.    The USA GDP is rising 1% annually
7.    Social media use is growing 6% annually in North and South America
8.    Demand for engineers is growing 5% annually in the USA
1.    Pressure from state to admit marginal students in order to provide increased access for underserved minority students
2.    Local two-year institutions offer courses 20% cheaper and less rigorous
3.    15% decline in international student applications
4.    12% annual decline in state funding levels
5.    Major rival peer institutions offer and heavily market online degrees in our area
6.    State population declining 4% annually
7.    Unemployment rate stable at 9.0% causing many would-be students to have to work
8.    The number of high school graduates is dropping 3% annually
9.    The number of two-year tech school students is growing 8% annually
10.  Demand for liberal arts degree students is declining 6% annually
Set 3:  Strategic Planning to Enhance My Employability
Perform SWOT Analysis on Myself
Leave Blank Strengths – S
  1. GPA in Finance is 3.8
  2. My parents will pay for my college education
  3. Strong communication skills
  4. Motivated
  5. Good team player
  6. No student loans
  7. Strong expertise in SPSS
  8. Yes, I am mobile
Weaknesses – W
  1. No work experience
  2. No foreign language skills
  3. Degree in construction from two-year community college
  4. Not certified to do anything
  5. Weak writing skills
Opportunities – O
  1. Demand for MBAs growing 5%
  2. Health care and biotechnology industries growing 10%
  3. USA GDP growing 1%
  4. Online job searching is becoming easier
  5. Online graduate degrees are readily available
  6. The banking industry is growing 8%
      SO Strategies
  1. Apply to graduate school (S1, S2, O1)
  2. Apply to work for a bank (S1, S3, S4, S5, O6)
  3. Apply to work for national hospital system (S1, S7, S8, O2)
     WO Strategies
  1. Work full-time while going to grad school part-time (W1, O1)
  2. Enroll in an online graduate degree program, while working part-time in the healthcare industry (W1, O2, O5)
Threats – T
  1. Overabundance of students receiving BBA college degrees
  2. Entry-level wages/salaries are very low
  3. Political unrest in the Far East and Middle East
  4. My university has weak placement operations
  5. Some cities and states losing in population growth
  6. Minorities and women may have edge of me in being hired simply due to EEOC
ST Strategies    
  1. Seek services of a national employment agency (S7, T4)
  2. Aggressively seek outstanding references and put them on my résumé (S3, T4)
WT Strategies
  1. Enroll in an MBA Program (S1, T1)
  2. Start my own construction business (W3, T2)
