
Intro to Python for Computer Science and Data Science by Paul Deitel Test bank

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xe "cell in a Jupyter Notebook"cell in which you can enter code snippets.

b. By default, a new notebook contains one cell, but you can add more.

c. To execute the current cell’s code, type Ctrl + Enter (or control + Enter).
JupyterLab executes the code in IPython, then displays the results below the cell.

d. All of the above statements are true.

Answer: d.


1.11    Internet and World Wide Web

1.11 Q1: Which of the following statements about the ARPANET and the Internet is false?

a. The ARPANET was the precursor to today’s Internet.

b. Today’s fastest Internet speeds are on the order of millions of bits per second with billion-bits-per-second (gigabit) speeds already being tested.

c. Although the ARPANET enabled researchers to network their computers, its main benefit proved to be the capability for quick and easy communication via what came to be known as electronic mail (e-mail).

d. The protocol (set of rules) for communicating over the ARPANET became known as the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP). TCP ensured that messages, consisting of sequentially numbered pieces called packets, were properly delivered from sender to receiver, arrived intact and were assembled in the correct order.

Answer: b. Actually, today’s fastest Internet speeds are on the order of billions of bits per second with trillion-bits-per-second (terabit) speeds already being tested.


1.11.1    Internet: A Network of Networks

1.11 Q2: Which of the following statements about the Internet is false?

a. One challenge was to enable different networks to communicate with each other. ARPA accomplished this by developing the Internet Protocol (IP), which created a true “network of networks,” the current architecture of the Internet.

b. The combined set of Internet protocols is now called TCP/IP.

c. Each Internet-connected device has a TCP address—a unique numerical identifier used by devices communicating via TCP/IP to locate one another on the Internet.

d. Bandwidth—the information-carrying capacity of communications lines—on the Internet has increased tremendously, while hardware costs have plummeted.

Answer: c. Actually, each Internet-connected device has an IP address—a unique numerical identifier used by devices communicating via TCP/IP to locate one another on the Internet.


1.11.2    World Wide Web: Making the Internet User-Friendly

1.11 Q3: Which of the following statements is false?

a. The World Wide Web is a collection of hardware and software associated with the Internet that allows computer users to locate and view documents (with various combinations of text, graphics, animations, audios and videos) on almost any subject.

b. In 1989, Tim Berners-Lee of CERN (the European Organization for Nuclear Research) began developing HyperText Markup Language (HTML)—the technology for sharing information via “hyperlinked” text documents.
