
Intro to Python for Computer Science and Data Science by Paul Deitel Test bank

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c. Berners-Lee also wrote communication protocols such as JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) to form the backbone of his new hypertext information system, which he referred to as the World Wide Web.

d. In 1994, Berners-Lee founded the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), devoted to developing web technologies.

Answer: c. Actually, in 1989, Tim Berners-Lee of CERN (the European Organization for Nuclear Research) began developing HyperText Markup Language (HTML)—the technology for sharing information via “hyperlinked” text documents.


1.11.3    The Cloud

1.11 Q4: Which of the following statements about the cloud is false?

a. A service that provides access to itself over the Internet is known as a web service.

b. Using cloud-based services in Python often is as simple as creating a software object and interacting with it. That object then uses web services that connect to the cloud on your behalf.

c. We’ll use Twitter’s web services via the Python library Tweepy to get information about specific Twitter users, search for recent tweets and receive streams of tweets as they occur—that is, in real time.

d. Azure is Google’s set of cloud-based services.

Answer: d. Actually, Azure is Microsoft’s set of cloud-based services.



1.11 Q5: The applications-development methodology of ________ enables you to rapidly develop powerful software applications by combining (often free) complementary web services and other forms of information feeds.

a. cloud computing

b. design patterns

c. proprietary computing

d. mashups

Answer: d.


1.11.4    Internet of Things

1.11 Q6: The Internet is no longer just a network of computers—it’s an Internet of Things. A thing is any object with which of the following?

a. an IP address

b. the ability to send data over the Internet

c. in some cases, the ability to receive data over the Internet

d. Things can have all of the above.

Answer: d.


1.12    Software Technologies

1.12 Q1: Reworking programs to make them clearer and easier to maintain while preserving their correctness and functionality is called ________.

a. refactoring

b. design patterns

c. editing

d. None of the above.

Answer: a.



1.12 Q2: Proven architectures for constructing flexible and maintainable object-oriented software are called ________.

a. refactored architectures

b. software blueprints

c. engineered architectures

d. design patterns

Answer: d.


1.13    How Big Is Big Data?

1.13 Q1: Which of the following statements about big data is false?

a. For computer scientists and data scientists, data is now as important as writing programs.

b. One megabyte is exactly one million (1,000,000) bytes.

c. According to a March 2016 AnalyticsWeek article, within five years there will be over 50 billion devices connected to the Internet (most of them through the Internet of Things, ) and by 2020 we’ll be producing 1.7 megabytes of new data every second for every person on the planet.
