
Intro to Python for Computer Science and Data Science by Paul Deitel Test bank

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d. The speed at which quantum computers now under development could operate at is so extraordinary that in one second, a quantum computer theoretically could do staggeringly more calculations than the total that have been done by all computers since the world’s first computer appeared.

Answer: b. Actually, one megabyte is exactly 220 = 1024 x 1024 = 1,048,576 bytes.



1.13 Q2: Which of the following statements about energy consumption is false?

a. According to a recent article, energy use for processing data in 2015 was growing at 20% per year and consuming approximately three to five percent of the world’s power.

b. Another enormous electricity consumer is the blockchain-based cryptocurrency Bitcoin—processing just one Bitcoin transaction uses approximately the same amount of energy as powering the average American home for a year.

c. The energy use comes from the process Bitcoin “miners” use to prove that transaction data is valid.

d. Together, Bitcoin and Ethereum (another popular blockchain-based platform and cryptocurrency) consume more energy per year than Israel and almost as much as Greece.

Answer: b. Actually, processing just one Bitcoin transaction uses approximately the same amount of energy as powering the average American home for a week.

1.13.1    Big Data Analytics

1.13 Q3: Which of the following “V’s of big data” is described by “the validity of the data—is it complete and accurate? Can we trust that data when making crucial decisions? Is it real?”
