
Crafting & Executing Strategy: The Quest for Competitive Advantage: Concepts and Cases 23th edition

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       C)   a company's strategy is management's game plan for realizing the strategic vision, whereas a company's business model is the game plan for accomplishing its corporate responsibility goals.
       D)   strategy relates broadly to a company's competitive moves and business approaches while its business model relates to whether the revenues flowing from the strategy are sufficient to cover costs and realize a profit.
       E)   a company's strategy is solely concerned with how to please customers while its business model is solely concerned with how to please shareholders.

52)  The customer value proposition lays out the company's approach to

       A)   meeting profitability guidelines without the risk of losing customers.    
       B)   operating efficiently given the current level of customers.
       C)   embracing rival company approaches to gaining customers.
       D)   satisfying customer wants and needs at a price that customers will consider a good value.
       E)   assuring that the company makes enough profits based on its per-unit cost.

53)  A regional electric scooter manufacturer sells its scooter at a lower price than other manufacturers of two-wheeler scooters. What will make the product most attractive for customers?

       A)   low profit 
       B)   high value
       C)   high cost
       D)   low value
       E)   low cost

54)  You have been asked to advise Waltham Furniture, a company that seeks to serve a target middle-class customer demographic obsessed with the quality and price of products. Your proposed value proposition for this company to offer to its customers would be to

       A)   identify the unique features of your client's furniture without comparing it with a rival's products.    
       B)   offer copycat furniture at low cost but an average quality compared to your client's rivals.
       C)   offer the same quality of furniture as do your client's rivals but at a high cost based on greater market share and higher brand value.
       D)   provide comparable quality furniture at a much lower price than your rivals but leave the final assembly of purchased furniture to customers accompanied by an easy-to-follow assembly guide.
       E)   market and sell only average quality furniture compared to your rivals at an imperceptible difference in price.

55)  Based upon its advertising slogan, the pizza restaurant that likely offers the best value proposition to its customers is

       A)   Johnny's Pie Shop: "The Tastiest Pizza You've Ever Had."
       B)   Fast 'n Fresh Pizza: "Get fresh, hot pizza, delivered under 20 minutes—or it's free."
       C)   Sustainable Slices: "Organic and sustainably sourced ingredients that are good for you and the planet."
       D)   Loyalty Pizza: "One pizza, 5 points: to be redeemed with a pan pizza upon reaching 50 points."
       E)   Crackerjack Pizza: "Open your pizza box and find a free gift. Hurry! Free gifts for 100 lucky customers."



