
Human Resources Management in Canada Canadian 15th edition by Gary Dessler Test bank

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Answer: a. True
9. HR responsibilities are shifting from operational to strategic responsibilities, and now focus more on formulating and executing organizational strategy.
a True
b False
QuestionID: 01-09
Objective: 1.2—Explain how HRM has changed over time to include a higher-level advisory role.
Answer: a. True
10. The practice of contracting with outside vendors to handle specified functions on a permanent basis is known as
A) payroll and benefits administration.
B) outsourcing.
C) labour-management relations.
D) contract administration.
E) hiring temporary employees.
QuestionID: 01-10
Objective: 1.2—Explain how HRM has changed over time to include a higher-level advisory role.
Answer: B) outsourcing.
11. Which of the following activities dominated the traditional role of personnel administration in the early 1900s?
A) Hiring and firing employees
B) Environmental scanning
C) Coaching and mentoring employees
D) Being part of the strategic planning discussions
E) Handling union-management relations
QuestionID: 01-11
Objective: 1.2—Explain how HRM has changed over time to include a higher-level advisory role.
Answer: A) Hiring and firing employees
12. The company's plan for how it will balance its internal strengths and weaknesses with external opportunities and threats to maintain a competitive advantage is known as
A) company objectives.
B) environmental scanning.
C) strategic plan.
D) policies and procedures.
E) SWOT analysis.
QuestionID: 01-12
Objective: 11.1—Define what human resources management [HRM] is and analyze how it relates to the management process and non-HR managers.
Answer: C) strategic plan.
13. HR professionals are expected to be change agents who lead the organization and its employees through organizational change.
a True
b False
QuestionID: 01-13
Objective: 1.2—Explain how HRM has changed over time to include a higher-level advisory role.
Answer: a. True
14. Which of the following is now being used more commonly to measure the activities and results of human resources?
A) Metrics or statistics
B) blogs
C) Science
D) Strategy
E) Subjective popular press articles
QuestionID: 01-14
Objective: 1.2—Explain how HRM has changed over time to include a higher-level advisory role.
Answer: A) Metrics or statistics
15. It is simpler and less complex to be an HR manager today than in previous decades.
a True
b False
QuestionID: 01-15
Objective: 1.2—Explain how HRM has changed over time to include a higher-level advisory role.
Answer: b. False
16. Which of the follow has directly contributed to the inconsistent progress of HR transformation?
A) Globalization
B) Lack of senior management
C) Crowdsourcing
D) non-HR managers viewing HR as a strategic partner.
E) Changing legal expectations of the HR professional.
QuestionID: 01-16
Objective: 1.2 Explain how HRM has changed over time to include a higher-level advisory role.
Answer: B) Lack of senior management
17. Evidence-based HRM involves
A) intuition and brainstorming.
B) data, facts, analytics, scientific rigour, and critically evaluated research or case studies.
C) popular press articles.
D) knowledge gained by a limited number of testimonials.
E) philosophical arguments of principle.
QuestionID: 01-17
Objective: 1.3—Identify tools to help make evidence-based HRM decisions.
Answer: B) data, facts, analytics, scientific rigour, and critically evaluated research or case studies.
18. Identify three strategy HRM tools that are used to translate the companies' strategic goals into HRM policies and practices in an evidence-informed way (1 point for each tool). What is the purpose of each tool and its outcome (2 points per tool)?
QuestionID: 01-18
Objective: 1.3—Identify tools to help make evidence-based HRM decisions.
Answer: Tool (1 point each):
Strategy Map
Balanced Scorecard
Digital Dashboard
Purpose (1 point each):
Strategy Map - Shows the "big picture" of how each department's performance contributes to achieving the company's overall strategic goals
Balanced Scorecard - A measurement system that translates an organization's strategy into a comprehensive set of performance measures



