
Human Resources Management in Canada Canadian 15th edition by Gary Dessler Test bank

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Answer: b. False
48. There are employees from all five of the age/generational groups in the workforce. Identify and briefly describe each of the five generational groups (2 points each group, one for correctly naming them and one for identifying a characteristic of this group), then describe two challenges posed by the differences between the demographic age groups in the workplace (1 point each challenge).
QuestionID: 01-48
Objective: 1.5—Discuss the internal and external environmental factors affecting HRM policies and practices, and explain their impact.
Answer: For the first 10 points of this 12 point question, identify each of the groups (Traditionalists, Baby Boomers, Generation X, Generation Y/Millennials, and Generation Z) and one or two characteristics for each group. For the last 2 points, the student should express how the attitudes/values/expectations/differences may create issues in the workplace. See Table 1.3 on page 16.
49. The core values, beliefs, and norms that are widely shared by members of an organization are known as
A) the strategic plan.
B) the mission statement.
C) organizational culture.
D) organizational climate.
E) the prevailing atmosphere.
QuestionID: 01-49
Objective: 1.5—Discuss the internal and external environmental factors affecting HRM policies and practices, and explain their impact.
Answer: C) organizational culture.
50. Which of the following is one of the purposes that organizational culture serves?
A) Increasing training levels
B) Increasing customer service levels
C) Fostering employee loyalty and commitment
D) Succession planning
E) Encouraging use of individual incentive systems
QuestionID: 01-50
Objective: 1.5—Discuss the internal and external environmental factors affecting HRM policies and practices, and explain their impact.
Answer: C) Fostering employee loyalty and commitment
51. The prevailing atmosphere or ''internal weather" that exists in an organization and its impact on employees is known as
A) performance.
B) mission.
C) vision.
D) organizational climate.
E) corporate culture.
QuestionID: 01-51
Objective: 1.5—Discuss the internal and external environmental factors affecting HRM policies and practices, and explain their impact.
Answer: D) organizational climate.
52. Revlex Inc. has decided to allow its front-line workers to make decisions regarding the ordering of certain supplies that were formerly made by managers. This initiative is an example of
A) workplace incentives.
B) strategic planning.
C) job restructuring.
D) employee empowerment.
E) management development.
QuestionID: 01-52
Objective: 1.5—Discuss the internal and external environmental factors affecting HRM policies and practices, and explain their impact.
Answer: D) employee empowerment.
53. Joe Brown was hired by a manufacturing firm as a supervisor. During his first few weeks as a supervisor, Joe realized that the employees reporting to him expected a lot of direction and expected him to make all of the decisions. Joe Brown decided to train employees to take on additional responsibilities and make decisions within a specific scope. Joe Brown is
A) outsourcing staff.
B) narrowing staff.
C) embracing staff.
D) empowering staff.
E) rewarding staff.
QuestionID: 01-53
Objective: 1.5—Discuss the internal and external environmental factors affecting HRM policies and practices, and explain their impact.
Answer: D) empowering staff.
54. Internal factors impacting HRM include all of the following except
A) organizational culture.
B) organizational climate.
C) globalization.
D) management practices.
E) retention strategies.
QuestionID: 01-54
Objective: 1.5—Discuss the internal and external environmental factors affecting HRM policies and practices, and explain their impact.
Answer: C) globalization.
55. External factors impacting HRM include all of the following except
A) government.
B) economic factors.
C) globalization.
D) management practices.
E) environmental concerns.
QuestionID: 01-55
Objective: 1.5—Discuss the internal and external environmental factors affecting HRM policies and practices, and explain their impact.
Answer: D) management practices.
56. ________ consists of the core values, beliefs, and assumptions that are widely shared by members of an organization.
A) Organizational culture



