
Introduction to Clinical Psychology 4th Edition by John Hunsley test bank

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  1. Define the term syndrome.
Suggested answer: Page 16
  1. Syndrome – a group of mental disorder symptoms that frequently co-occur.
  1. Who was Emil Kraepelin?
Suggested answer: Page 16
  1. A German psychiatrist who believed mental disorders could be explained through biological factors.
  2. He devoted his career to studying and classifying mental disorders in the hope that his work would results in a scientifically based classification system that would serve to inform treatment
  3. He examined how symptoms covaried
  4. He coined the term “syndromes”
  5. His classification system was built around identifying how these syndromes related to and differed from each other
  6. His classification system of what is now known as schizophrenia was one of his major accomplishments
  7. The DSM-IV and ICD have their origins in Kraeplin’s work
  1. Who was Alfred Binet? Describe one of his major contributions.
Suggested answer: Page 16
  1. A French psychologist who co-developed the first widely available, scientifically based test of human intelligence. 
  2. It was called the Stanford-Binet Intelligence test and was designed to be administered to children.
  3. They designed the intelligence test to measure the abilities of school children, in an effort to identify children with limited cognitive abilities who were unlikely to benefit from typical teaching methods
  1. What was the primary conclusion of Paul Meehl’s (1954) review of both clinically and statistically based assessments?
Suggested answer: Page 18
  1. that a purely clinical approach to assessment was inferior to a more statistically or empirically oriented approach to describing and diagnosing.
  2. Meehl advocated strongly for the use of clinical experience in generating hypotheses about human functioning. However, he stated that, once these hypotheses are formulated, scientific methods must be used to test the viability of these hypotheses.
  1. Describe one broad development in psychological assessment that has occurred in the past three decades.
Suggested answer: Page 20-21
  1. increased attention to the relevance of assessment data and the assessment process to both treatment planning and evaluation. 
  2. Agreement among different theoretical orientations that assessment data should be obtained from multiple methods, and multiple informants
  3. Recognition that best practices in assessment should be based on assessment methods and measures that have solid scientific support
  1. What does the term “clinical utility” mean?
Suggested answer: Page 20
  1. Whether having access to assessment data actually provides information that leads to a clinical outcome that is better (or faster, or less expensive) than what the outcome would be if the psychologist did not have access to assessment data    
  1. In the early decades of the 1900s what was the primary was approach to psychotherapy that was offered? Describe the basic assumption of this approach.
Suggested answer: Page 21
  1. Psychodynamic treatment or psychotherapy.
  2. All psychodynamic approaches were based on the assumption that most psychopathology stemmed from unconscious processes
  3. Freud posited that, to protect ourselves from the pain of continually re-experiencing negative emotions and memories, and irrational desires located in the unconscious, we use a number of strategies called defence mechanisms (i.e., denial, repression)
  4. Later psychodynamic theorists placed less importance on the role of the unconscious
  1. Who was Carl Rogers? Describe one of his major contributions.
Suggested answer: Pages 22
  1. A humanistic psychologist and therapist who believed people were inherently good and capable of positive and healthy growth.
  2. He published the book Counselling and Psychotherapy in 1942
  3. His approach was in contrast to the dominant psychoanalytic approach, and he believed that people were inherently capable of developing in a positive, healthy manner



