
Introduction to Clinical Psychology 4th Edition by John Hunsley test bank

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  1. The meta-analysis by Smith, Glass, and Miller of the efficacy of psychotherapies for adult and child problems have found that the average person receiving therapy is better off than approximately ____ of people with similar problems who did not receive therapy.
  1. 20%
  2. 40%
  3. 80%
  4. 100%
Answer: C            Page: 23
  1. The history of ______ efforts is much shorter than the history of ______or ______.
  1. prevention; assessment, intervention
  2. assessment; prevention, intervention
  3. intervention; consultation, prevention
  4. assessment; consultation, intervention
Answer: A            Page: 25
  1. The American Psychological Association’s Task Force on Promotion and Dissemination of Psychological Procedures was established because
  1. there was pressure in the United States for health care practices to be demonstrably effective and cost-effective.
  2. there was a decrease in the number of individuals seeking psychotherapy as a treatment modality.
  3. there was a need to develop new treatments that were more effective for alleviating symptoms of mental disorders.
  4. there was a need for other health care practitioners to appreciate the effectiveness of psychological treatments.
Answer: A            Page: 24
  1. In the coming years, it is likely that clinical psychology will be influenced by
  1. requirements to provide psychological services for diverse general and physical health problems.
  2. requirements to provide health care to an aging population.
  3. requirements for assessments, treatments, and prevention programs to be appropriate for a diversity of individuals.
  4. all of the above.
Answer: D            Page: 25
  1. Effectiveness studies are conducted to examine whether a particular psychological treatment works
  1. in research settings.
  2. in real-world conditions.
  3. for both adults and children.
  4. for a particular mental disorder.
Answer: B            Page: 24
  1. The term that refers to a group of symptoms that frequently co-occur is a(n)
  1. disorder
  2. syndrome
  3. illness
  4. cluster
Answer: B            Page: 16
Short Answer Questions
  1. Describe the evidence-based practice model. Describe two arguments that question this model.
Suggested answer: Pages 7 & 8
Definition: The evidence-based practice model requires the clinician to synthesize information drawn from research and systematically collected data on the patient in question, the clinician’s experience, and the patient’s preferences when considering health care options
Arguments against:
  1. It is too difficult to determine whether research on groups of individuals is applicable to any specific individual
  2. Research lags behind the needs of clinicians to provide therapy to distressed individuals
  3. There is no research concerning many human problems confronted by clinicians
  4. Each individual’s unique constellation of life experience, culture, and societal context makes it unlikely that general psychological principles can ever provide much useful guidance in alleviating emotional distress or interpersonal conflict.
  1. Why was the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI) developed?
Suggested answer: Page 18
  1. Developed by Starke Hathaway in 1943
  2. The goal was the provide an easily administered test that could effectively screen for psychological disturbances among adults
  1. Describe the biopsychosocial approach.
Suggested answer: Page 14
  1. In order to understand mental and physical disorders, biological, psychological, and social influences on health and illness must be considered



