
Managerial Accounting 5th Edition by Stacey Whitecotton Test bank

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       ⊚   true
       ⊚   false


119)       Predictive analytics is the process of recommending a course of action based upon meaningful patterns and insights from collected data.

       ⊚   true
       ⊚   false


120)       Descriptive analytics uses patterns and insights from collected data to show what has happened.

       ⊚   true
       ⊚   false


121)       An opportunity cost is the cost of not doing something.

       ⊚   true
       ⊚   false


122)       Whether a cost is treated as direct or indirect depends on whether tracing the cost is both possible and practical.

       ⊚   true
       ⊚   false


123)       Variable costs are always direct costs.

       ⊚   true
       ⊚   false


124)       Fixed costs stay the same, on a per-unit basis, as activity level changes.

       ⊚   true
       ⊚   false


125)       Prime costs include direct materials, direct labor, and manufacturing overhead.

       ⊚   true
       ⊚   false


126)       All manufacturing costs are treated as product costs.

       ⊚   true
       ⊚   false


127)       All manufacturing costs are inventoriable costs.

       ⊚   true
       ⊚   false


128)       A cost that will occur in the future and differs between various alternatives under consideration is a relevant cost.

       ⊚   true
       ⊚   false


129)       Managerial accounting information is mandated by the SEC and other regulatory agencies.

       ⊚   true
       ⊚   false


130)       Managerial accounting information is considered proprietary in nature.

       ⊚   true
       ⊚   false





