
Managerial Accounting 5th Edition by Stacey Whitecotton Test bank

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       C) descriptive analytics.
       D) diagnostic analytics.

46)  Data that is received as events are occurring is an example of:

       A) volume.  
       B) velocity.
       C) variety.
       D) veracity.

47)  Data received from social media is an example of:

       A) volume.  
       B) velocity.
       C) variety.
       D) veracity.

48)  Analytics provides meaningful patterns and insights from data useful for all of the following except:

       A) managing resources.   
       B) enhancing customer service.
       C) pursuing other business opportunities.
       D) preparing financial statements in accordance with GAAP.

49)  Which of the following is an example of the variety of big data?

       A) Data collected from YouTube videos    
       B) The collection of petabytes of data per hour
       C) Data that is created in real-time
       D) Delivering data as quickly as possible

50)  An out-of-pocket cost is:

       A) an actual outlay of cash.    
       B) the cost of not doing something.
       C) a deferred cost.
       D) a budgeted estimate.

51)  Which of the following is not one of the categories used to sort costs in managerial accounting?

       A) Relevant or irrelevant 
       B) Variable or fixed
       C) Out-of-pocket or opportunity
       D) Direct or indirect

52)  Which of the following statements concerning costs is not correct?

       A) Costs are treated differently depending on how the information will be used. 
       B) Out-of-pocket costs include the costs associated with not taking a particular course of action.
       C) Any single cost can be classified in more than one way.
       D) Costs can be categorized on the basis of relevant or irrelevant costs.

53)  The cost of not doing something is a(n):

       A) out-of-pocket cost.      
       B) opportunity cost.
       C) direct cost.
       D) cost object.





