
Discovering Psychology The Science of Mind 4th edition by John T. Cacioppo Test bank

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 d. Only psychiatrists practice psychoanalysis.
82. If an individual graduates with a master’s degree in psychology, they can teach at which of the following levels of higher education?
 a. community colleges
 b. 4-year universities
 c. vocational schools
 d. doctorate programs
83. Your friend is feeling depressed and their doctor refers them to both a clinical psychologist and a psychiatrist. Why would the doctor most likely have referred your friend to both of these specialists?
 a. Because depression cannot be treated with therapy alone.
 b. He believes your friend’s depression is caused by both behavioral and brain issues.
 c. He believes your friend may benefit from both medication and therapy.
 d. He believes your friend would benefit from both psychotherapy and clinical therapy.
84.  A friend is starting graduate school in psychology, and mentions that she will have to do an internship with supervised training. What field is she likely specializing in?
 a. cognitive neuroscience
 b. clinical or counseling psychology
 c. social psychology
 d. biological psychology
85. When you tell someone you are a psychologist, a common joke is for them to ask if you’re “diagnosing” them. What mistake are they making in this joke?
 a. Clinical psychology is only one part of psychology, and many psychologists are not clinical psychologists.
 b. Only psychiatrists, and not psychologists, can perform diagnoses.
 c. Only therapists, and not psychologists, can perform diagnoses.
 d. Only counseling psychologists, and not other psychologists, may perform diagnoses.
86. Obtaining a master's degree in psychology allows one to
 a. teach at community colleges and obtain licensing as a therapist in most states.
 b. do psychology research at the university level.
 c. become a clinical psychologist after a supervised internship.
 d. become a cognitive psychologist.
87. Your friend is entering a doctoral program in psychology. One of her first steps will likely be to
 a. identify one of the five psychological perspectives to focus on.
 b. do an internship.
 c. write a thesis.
 d. run a research study.
88. What is one way that graduate-level work in psychology is changing recently?
 a. Clinical work no longer requires supervised internships.
 b. Doctoral programs are shorter.
 c. Training is more often integrating across the major perspectives.
 d. Internships are becoming more common for non-clinical paths.
89. A friend mentions that they would like to teach psychology to college students at 4-year universities and conduct research. What educational path would you recommend they follow?
 a. They will need to do an internship after completing a graduate education.
 b. They should get a doctorate in psychology.
 c. They should do graduate work in school psychology.
 d. They will need to be a psychology major for the undergraduate degree.
90. Your teenage daughter has been accused of being a cyberbully. The best thing you should tell your daughter is
 a. she should stop because the school does not approve.
 b. she will be sent to a different school if she does not stop
 c. it is an aggressive act that could cause another person to feel depressed or even harm themselves.
 d. you will take away all her electronic devices if she does not stop.



