
Discovering Psychology The Science of Mind 4th edition by John T. Cacioppo Test bank

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57. Which of the following is a biological psychologist most likely to study?
 a. brain activity during reading
 b. the effects of different medications on the effectiveness of therapy
 c. how people respond to social pressure
 d. how quickly lab rats can learn to run a maze
58. Which of the following is a cognitive psychologist most likely to study?
 a. how brain damage affects memory
 b. how quickly people can learn a sequence of numbers and respond to them
 c. how people respond to social pressure
 d. the evolutionary purpose of problem-solving
59. A psychologist who studies how people process information when solving a puzzle is likely a
 a. biological psychologist.
 b. behavioral neuroscientist.
 c. evolutionary psychologist.
 d. cognitive psychologist.
60. The field of psychology focused on changes across the lifespan is
 a. life psychology.
 b. developmental psychology.
 c. cognitive psychology.
 d. aging psychology.
61. The field of psychology that would emphasize how people respond to pressure from their social environment would be best described as 
 a. clinical psychology.
 b. cognitive psychology.
 c. social psychology.
 d. cultural diversity.
62.  Which of the following research topics would a developmental psychologist most likely be interested in?
 a. how people respond to a memory task when in a group versus as an individual
 b. how infants and young adults perform on a memory task
 c. how personality differences influence puzzle solving ability
 d. how animals can learn to solve mazes
63. What is the relevance of cultural diversity to the study of psychology?
 a. Different cultures may have different values and practices that influence individual psychology.
 b. It is a confounding variable in the study of psychology, which is concerned with universal human abilities.
 c. It is only relevant to social psychologists.
 d. It is only relevant for clinical psychologists doing treatment or therapy of psychological disorders.
64. An individual's characteristic way of thinking, feeling, and behaving is their
 a. personality.
 b. individual difference.
 c. developmental span.
 d. behavioral profile.
65. The field that is focused on explaining and treating mental disorders is
 a. Freudian psychology.
 b. biological psychology.
 c. clinical psychology.
 d. therapeutic psychology.
66. A psychologist who utilizes research on schizophrenia to develop a treatment plan is a(n)
 a. clinical psychologist.
 b. social psychologist.
 c. individual differences psychologist.
 d. behavioral neuroscientist.
67. A recent broadening of the clinical psychology perspective has been a focus on
 a. personality.
 b. psychoanalysis.
 c. stress.
 d. general health and well-being.
68. Rather than describe the behavior of an "average" person, some psychologists focus on how behavior can vary from person to person; this is a concept known as
 a. behavioral sets.
 b. personality.
 c. individual differences.
 d. diversity.
69. The perspective on psychology focused on the physical mechanisms associated with behavior is known as
 a. biological psychology.
 b. cognitive psychology.
 c. behaviorism.
 d. clinical psychology.
70. A cognitive psychologist is studying how short-term memory works. How might a biological psychologist be able to contribute to this research project?
 a. by describing how the brain processes information in short-term memory
 b. by developing a theory based on individual differences



