
Leadership: Theory and Practice 8th edition by Peter G. Northouse Test bank

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Ans: D
Cognitive Domain: Knowledge
Answer Location: Leadership Defined
Difficulty Level: Easy
AACSB Standard: Application of knowledge
67. After studying leadership for more than 100 years, scholars can agree on this one thing: ______.
A. a universal set of traits determines who can practice leadership
B. true leadership is found in people holding positions of authority
C. there is still not a common definition of leadership for all contexts
D. leadership can be reduced to a few simple skills
Ans: C
Cognitive Domain: Comprehension
Answer Location: Leadership Defined
Difficulty Level: Moderate
AACSB Standard: Contexts of organizations in a global society
68. Which part of the leadership definition offered in the textbook gives leadership its ethical tone?
A. group
B. process
C. influence
D. common goals
Ans: D
Cognitive Domain: Analysis
Answer Location: Definition and Components
Difficulty Level: Easy
AACSB Standard: Ethical understanding and reasoning
69. The dean of the college appointed you to chair the student advisory committee. In this case, you are an ______.
A. intrinsic leader
B. assigned leader
C. emergent leader
D. expert leader
Ans: B
Cognitive Domain: Comprehension
Answer Location: Assigned Versus Emergent Leadership
Difficulty Level: Easy
AACSB Standard: Application of knowledge
70. According to Hogg’s research on leadership and social identity theory, a person is most likely to emerge as a leader in a group when she/he ______.
A. stands out as being uniquely different from the rest of the group
B. can correctly identify the social status of each group member
C. is recognized as being most similar to the group prototype
D. is the most socially networked person in the group
Ans: C
Cognitive Domain: Comprehension
Answer Location: Assigned Versus Emergent Leadership
Difficulty Level: Easy
AACSB Standard: Group and interpersonal behaviors
71. Which type of power have people used in recent years to level the playing field among leaders and followers?
A. coercive
B. reward
C. information
D. legitimate
Ans: C
Cognitive Domain: Application
Answer Location: Leadership and Power
Difficulty Level: Moderate
AACSB Standard: Application of knowledge
72. The origins of the study of leadership can be traced back to ______.
A. ancient Greeks
B. the American Revolution
C. the early 20th century
D. the 1960s
Ans: A
Cognitive Domain: Knowledge
Answer Location: Leadership and Management
Difficulty Level: Easy
AACSB Standard: Contexts of organizations in a global society
73. According to Kotter, management is about seeking stability, and leadership is about seeking ______.
A. order
B. change
C. followers
D. rewards
Ans: B
Cognitive Domain: Comprehension
Answer Location: Leadership and Management
Difficulty Level: Easy
AACSB Standard: Analytical thinking
74. At work, you are on a team of people searching for a new CEO. Everyone agrees the new CEO needs to have excellent leadership skills, so your team starts writing the job description. Which phrase would you use in the job description to reflect your search for a leader?
A. looking for candidates skilled in safety and quality control
B. seeking a dispassionate problem solver
C. searching for a change agent and creative thinker
D. hiring an experienced policy administrator
Ans: C
Cognitive Domain: Application
Answer Location: Leadership and Management
Difficulty Level: Moderate
AACSB Standard: Application of knowledge
75. The group thinks that Dawn is influential even though Dawn has no formal position of authority. Dawn can be described as ______.
A. an emergent leader
B. a legitimate leader
C. an assigned leader
D. a coercive leader
Ans: A
Cognitive Domain: Application
Answer Location: Assigned Versus Emergent Leadership
Difficulty Level: Easy
AACSB Standard: Application of knowledge
76. What kind of power is given to a leader by her/his followers?
A. position power
B. personal power
C. legitimate power
D. reward power
Ans: B
Cognitive Domain: Comprehension
Answer Location: Summary
Difficulty Level: Easy
AACSB Standard: Application of knowledge
77. Hitler’s reign is not considered a form of leadership because ______.
A. leadership was not a true field of study before 1950
B. Hitler used coercion, which runs counter to the idea of working with followers
C. Hitler did not possess the traits that are universally associated with leaders



