
Marketing Management 16 Global Edition by Philip Kotler test bank

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Diff: 2
LO:  1.1: Define the scope of marketing.
AACSB:  Reflective thinking
32) Relationship marketing, integrated marketing, internal marketing, and performance marketing are the four pillars of what concept?
A) Business to business marketing
B) Technology-driven marketing
C) Strategic marketing
D) Holistic marketing
E) Tactical marketing
Answer:  D
Diff: 3
LO:  1.2: Describe the new marketing realities.
AACSB:  Application of knowledge
33) Which of these is true regarding the growth of data analytics and artificial intelligence platforms?
A) Their complexity is beyond the capability of all but the largest firms.
B) Their spiraling costs put them out of reach of all but the largest firms.
C) Everyone can use them now, so their competitive advantages have disappeared.
D) Growth has democratized these technologies, making them available to smaller firms.
E) Despite initial promise, they haven't had much impact on contemporary marketing.
Answer:  D
Diff: 2
LO:  1.2: Describe the new marketing realities.
AACSB:  Application of knowledge
34) What effect have advanced telecommunication technologies and workflow platforms had on global business?
A) They have diluted global marketing efforts.
B) They have increased nationalistic tendencies in marketing communication.
C) They have encouraged a backlash against multiculturalism.
D) They have had no measurable impact.
E) They have lowered geographic and political barriers.
Answer:  E
Diff: 2
LO:  1.2: Describe the new marketing realities.
AACSB:  Application of knowledge

35) Which of these is an identified health risk associated with increased globalization?
A) Localized diseases can become worldwide pandemics more easily.
B) Governments are less likely to assist with global health crises.
C) Misinformation creates anxiety around critical health issues.
D) Globalization encourages hoarding of scarce medical resources.
E) Globalization interferes with international medical research.
Answer:  A
Diff: 2
LO:  1.2: Describe the new marketing realities.
AACSB:  Application of knowledge
36) Why are a company's own employees considered vital participants in holistic marketing?
A) Employees who feel ignored will lash out on social media.
B) Companies can spread out the costs of marketing by involving more people.
C) Marketing succeeds only when all departments work together to achieve customer goals.
D) A democratic approach to marketing invites everyone in the company to participate.
E) Few companies still have traditional marketing departments.
Answer:  C
Diff: 3
LO:  1.2: Describe the new marketing realities.
AACSB:  Application of knowledge
37) Which of these characterizes the need for internal coordination of the marketing effort?
A) A tops-down approach that pushes the marketing concept through the organization
B) Concentric alignment with marketing at the center
C) Vertical alignment with senior management
D) Vertical alignment with senior management and horizontal alignment with other departments
E) Horizontal alignment with other departments and vertical alignment with the sales channel
Answer:  D
Diff: 3
LO:  1.2: Describe the new marketing realities.
AACSB:  Application of knowledge
38) Which of these components of holistic marketing should take priority over the others?
A) Internal marketing
B) Relationship marketing
C) Integrated marketing
D) Performance marketing
E) None of them take priority over the others
Answer:  E
Diff: 3
LO:  1.2: Describe the new marketing realities.
AACSB:  Application of knowledge

39) What is the ultimate outcome of relationship marketing?
A) Higher profits
B) Sustainable profits
C) A marketing network with mutually profitable relationships
D) Lower barriers to entry in new markets
E) Lower marketing costs through cost-sharing with network partners
Answer:  C
Diff: 3
LO:  1.2: Describe the new marketing realities.
AACSB:  Application of knowledge
40) Who are the four key constituencies in relationship marketing?
A) Investors, news media, customers, and employees
B) Suppliers, customers, retailers, and wholesalers
C) Customers, retailers, financial analysts, and investors
D) Customers, employees, marketing partners, and the financial community
E) Manufacturers, customers, service providers, and investors
Answer:  D
Diff: 2
LO:  1.2: Describe the new marketing realities.



