
Environment 10th Edition by David M. Hassenzahl test bank

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Learning Objective 1: LO 1.2 Describe how population growth and our choice of resources affect the environment.  TERMINAL LO
Learning Objective 2:  LO 1.2.2 Explain the impacts of population and affluence on consumption. ENABLING LO
Section Reference 1: 1.2 Population, Resources, and the Environment
38. Environmental sustainability implies:
a) the actions of humans directly impacting the wellbeing of the natural environment
b) future generations will have the resources necessary for quality of life
c) a shared global responsibility for conservation practices
d) the environment can function indefinitely without going into a decline from the stresses imposed by human society on natural systems
e) all of these choices
Answer: e
Difficulty: Medium
Bloomcode: Application
Learning Objective 1:  LO 1.3 Define sustainability and sustainable development.  TERMINAL LO
Learning Objective 2: LO 1.3.1 Define sustainability.  ENABLING LO
Section Reference 1: 1.3 Sustainability
39. The current global ecological footprint of each person is about 2.7 hectares. The Earth presently has 11.4 billion hectares of productive land and water. If we divide this usable area by the global human population of approximately 6 billion, this means:
a) we have an ecological overshoot – we have exceeded our allotted footprint of 1.9 hectares per person
b) we have an ecological surplus – we have undershot our allotted footprint of 2.7 hectares per person
c) we have an ecological deficit – we have not reached our allotted footprint of 2.7 hectares per person
d) we have an ecological surplus – we have surpassed our allotted footprint of 1.9 hectares per person
e) we are in a sustainable condition – we are at our allotted footprint of 2.7 hectares per person
Answer: a
Difficulty: Medium
Bloomcode: Analysis
Learning Objective 1:  LO 1.2 Describe how population growth and our choice of resources affect the environment. TERMINAL LO
Learning Objective 2: LO 1.2.3 Define ecological footprint.  ENABLING LO
Section Reference 1: 1.2 Population, Resources, and the Environment
40. A journalist reports on what Hardin (1968) referred to as a “tragedy of the commons.” The media story concerns:
a) a disaster that happened in the park
b) the technology divide that exists between the social classes of poverty and elite
c) the environmental costs that everyone must pay in the long run due to individual exploitation of resources for short-term gains.
d) the environmental costs that a widespread natural disaster brings to all walks of life
e) common understanding of the environmental pressures that threaten endangered species
Answer: c
Difficulty: Medium
Bloomcode: Application
Learning Objective 1:  LO 1.3 Define sustainability and sustainable development.  TERMINAL LO
Learning Objective 2: LO 1.3.2 Relate Garrett Hardin’s description of the tragedy of the commons in medieval Europe to common-pool resources today.  ENABLING LO
Section Reference 1: 1.3 Sustainability
41. A state agency has contacted you to do a scientific assessment of kudzu in a nature preserve in southern Georgia. They are concerned about the effects of the non-native invasive vine on a small rare plant that grows on the forest floor in the preserve, but which is found nowhere else in the state. Kudzu is only growing in the east side of the preserve because it hasn't yet had time to invade further. In order to assess the effects of kudzu on the rare plant, you set up the following experiment:
Site 1. On the east side of the park with the kudzu, you set up ten 1m x 1m plots on the forest floor. In each plot you count the number of individuals of the rare plant.
Site 2. On the west side of the park without the kudzu, you set up ten 1m x 1m plots of the forest floor. In each plot you count the number of individuals of the rare plant.
In this experiment, Site 2 is your:
a) variable.
b) control.
c) replication.
d) hypothesis.
e) treatment.
Answer: b
Difficulty: Medium
Bloomcode: Application
Learning Objective 1: LO 1.4 Describe environmental science and the role of the scientific method.  TERMINAL LO
Learning Objective 2: LO 1.4.2 Outline the scientific method. ENABLING LO
Section Reference 1: 1.4 Environmental Science
42. A state agency has contacted you to do a scientific assessment of kudzu in a nature preserve in southern Georgia. They are concerned about the effects of the non-native invasive vine on a small rare plant that grows on the forest floor in the preserve, but which is found nowhere else in the state. Kudzu is only growing in the east side of the preserve because it hasn't yet had time to invade further. In order to assess the effects of kudzu on the rare plant, you set up the following experiment:



