
Environment 10th Edition by David M. Hassenzahl test bank

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Section Reference 1: 1.5 Addressing Environmental Problems
46. Which of the following is NOT a renewable resource?
a) trees
b) fishes
c) minerals
d) fresh water
e) fertile agricultural soil
Answer: c
Difficulty: Easy
Bloomcode: Knowledge
Learning Objective 1:  LO 1.2  Describe how population growth and our choice of resources affect the environment.  TERMINAL LO
Learning Objective 2: LO 1.2.1 Differentiate between renewable and nonrenewable resources.  ENABLIGN LO
Section Reference 1: 1.2 Population, Resources, and the Environment
Question Type: Essay
47. How do you determine if a resource is renewable or nonrenewable? Give examples of both. What affects both of their usage?
Difficulty: Medium
Bloomcode: Analysis
Learning Objective 1:  LO 1.2  Describe how population growth and our choice of resources affect the environment.  TERMINAL LO
Learning Objective 2: LO 1.2.1 Differentiate between renewable and nonrenewable resources.  ENABLIGN LO
Section Reference 1: 1.2 Population, Resources, and the Environment
Solution: A nonrenewable resource (minerals: aluminum, tin, copper, and fossil fuels: coal, oil, natural gas) are present in limited supplies and are depleted by use. Natural processes do not replenish nonrenewable resources within a reasonable period on the human time scale. Some take millions of years to form. Usage is affected by: nation’s population, how efficiently the resources are extracted and processed, how much of it is required or consumed by different groups.
       A renewable resource (trees, fisheries, fertile agriculture soil, fresh water) is naturally replaced at a fairly rapid pace (on a scale of days to decades), and they can be used forever as long as they are not overexploited in the short term. In developing countries, forests, fisheries, and agricultural land are particularly important renewable resources because they provide food. Rapid population growth can cause the overexploitation of renewable resources. Renewable resources are potentially renewable because they must be used in a sustainable way (a manner that gives them time to replace or replenish themselves).
48. Define environmental sustainability. Discuss three reasons why experts in environmental science think that the human population is not operating sustainably.
Difficulty: Hard
Bloomcode: Synthesis
Learning Objective 1:  LO 1.3  Define sustainability and sustainable development.  TERMINAL LO
Learning Objective 2: LO 1.3.1. Define sustainability.  ENABLING LO
Section Reference 1: 1.3 Sustainability
Solution: The ability to meet humanity’s current needs without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs is considered environmental sustainability. Many experts in environmental problems think human society isn’t operating sustainably because of the following human behaviors:
-we are using nonrenewable resources such as fossil fuels as if they were present in unlimited supplies
-we are using renewable resources such as fresh water and forests faster than they are replenished naturally
-we are polluting the environment with toxins as if the capacity of the environment to absorb then is limitless.
-our numbers continue to grow despite Earth’s finite ability to feed and sustain us and absorb our waste
49. What are green roofs? What are their environmental benefits? Why are new buildings the best locations for them?
Difficulty: Medium
Bloomcode: Application
Learning Objective 1:  LO 1.5 List the five stages in addressing environmental problems.  TERMINAL LO
Learning Objective 2: LO 1.5.1 List and briefly describe the five stages in addressing environmental problems. ENABLING LO
Section Reference 1: 1.5 Addressing Environmental Problems
Solution: An Green roof is also called an eco-roof. It is a roof that is completely or partially covered with vegetation and soil. The environmental benefits are that: 1) The plants and soil are effective insulators (reducing heating and cooling energy consumption), 2) The rooftop mini-ecosystem filters pollutants out of the rainwater and reduces the amount of storm water in the sewers. 3) They provide wildlife habitat, even on the tops of buildings. 4) They can be used to grow vegetables. They can be added to existing buildings but it is often easier and less expensive to install them in new buildings. Modern green roofs, which are designed to support the additional weight of soil and plants, consist of several layers that hold the soil in place, stop plant roots from growing through the rooftop and drain excess water, thereby preventing leaks.



