
Fundamentals of Human Resource Management 5th Edition Gary Dessler test bank

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Diff: 2

Chapter:  1

LO:  1.3: Discuss at least five consequences such trends have for human resource management today.

Skill:  Concept


103) Since HR managers are expected to participate in long-term strategic planning, they no longer need to have recruiting and training skills.

Answer:  FALSE

Explanation:  Activities such as strategizing, measuring, and dealing with technology demand that HR managers exhibit new human resource management proficiencies. However, human resource managers still need skills in areas such as employee selection and training.

Diff: 2

Chapter:  1

LO:  1.3: Discuss at least five consequences such trends have for human resource management today.

Skill:  Concept


104) Companies like PepsiCo use workforce planning processes to help determine for how many and what sorts of environmental sustainability jobs the company will need to recruit.

Answer:  TRUE

Explanation:  Workforce planning processes are a part of a company's strategic human resources initiatives.

Diff: 2

Chapter:  1

LO:  1.3: Discuss at least five consequences such trends have for human resource management today.

Skill:  Concept


105) How have technological advances changed the HR environment? What technological tools enable HR managers to perform their duties more efficiently?

Answer:  Technology is changing how businesses operate as well as the nature of work. In plants throughout the world, knowledge-intensive high-tech manufacturing jobs are replacing traditional factory jobs, which means that employees need new skills and training to excel at increasingly complex jobs. Intranet-based websites enable employees to self-administer benefits plans, which allows HR managers to focus on other tasks.

Diff: 3

AACSB:  Information technology

Chapter:  1

LO:  1.3: Discuss at least five consequences such trends have for human resource management today.

Skill:  Synthesis



