
Fundamentals of Human Resource Management 5th Edition Gary Dessler test bank

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C) develop and implement a firm's long-term business strategies

D) explain HR activities in terms of a firm's finances and productivity

Answer:  D

Explanation:  In the past, HR managers mainly focused on employee training, compensation, and hiring. Now, HR managers need to be familiar with strategic planning, marketing, production, and finance. They must also be able to "speak the CFO's language," by explaining human resource activities in financially measurable terms, such as return on investment and cost per unit of service. Only top-level managers develop long-term business strategies for a firm, although HR managers may assist in the process.

Diff: 3

Chapter:  1

LO:  1.3: Discuss at least five consequences such trends have for human resource management today.

Skill:  Concept


90) Many HR managers use social media tools to ________.

A) measure the competition

B) improve employee retention

C) provide benefits services

D) manage ethics

Answer:  B

Explanation:  Talent analytics algorithms help employers improve employee retention. They do this by identifying the factors (such as experience, career advancement, performance reviews, compensation, and even a surge in activity on social media sites) that flag high-potential employees who are more likely to leave.

Diff: 2

AACSB:  Information technology

Chapter:  1

LO:  1.3: Discuss at least five consequences such trends have for human resource management today.

Skill:  Application



91) Today's workplace demands high levels of employee ________.

A) compensation

B) engagement

C) empowerment

D) rewards

Answer:  B

Explanation:  Employee engagement refers to being psychologically involved in, connected to, and committed to getting one's jobs done. Engaged employees "experience a high level of connectivity with their work tasks," and therefore work hard to accomplish their task-related goals.

Diff: 2

Chapter:  1

LO:  1.3: Discuss at least five consequences such trends have for human resource management today.

Skill:  Concept

92) According to one survey, only about 21-30% of today's employees nationally are ________.

A) engaged

B) trained

C) disengaged

D) unempowered

Answer:  A

Explanation:  In one survey, about 30% were engaged, 50% were not engaged, and 20% were actively disengaged (anti-management).

Diff: 2

Chapter:  1

LO:  1.3: Discuss at least five consequences such trends have for human resource management today.

Skill:  Concept


93) Which term refers to formulating and executing HR policies and practices that produce the employee competencies and behaviors a firm needs to achieve its strategic goals?

A) talent management

B) performance management

C) organizational management

D) strategic human resource management

Answer:  D

Explanation:  Strategic human resource management means formulating and executing human resource policies and practices that produce the employee competencies and behaviors the company needs to achieve its strategic aims.

Diff: 1

Chapter:  1

LO:  1.3: Discuss at least five consequences such trends have for human resource management today.

Skill:  Concept



94) Hilton Worldwide is an example of the new HR management by ________.

A) placing more HR activities in the hands of employees

B) placing more HR activities in the hands of top management

C) outsourcing HR activities

D) using social media

Answer:  A

Explanation:  Hilton Worldwide is placing more HR activities in the hands of employees, while redirecting the savings to building up the more strategic aspects of what its human resource managers do.

Diff: 2

AACSB:  Application of knowledge

Chapter:  1

LO:  1.3: Discuss at least five consequences such trends have for human resource management today.

Skill:  Concept

95) Modern HR managers are expected to monitor employee engagement, which refers to an employee's ________.

A) ability to balance family and career

B) emotional investment in their work

C) personal career goals and objectives

D) ethical behaviors and attitudes

Answer:  B

Explanation:  Studies suggest that less than one-third of the U.S. workforce is engaged, so today's human resource managers need skills to manage employee engagement.



