
Human Resource Management 14th edition by Robert L. Mathis test bank

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TOP:   Where Employees Can Be a Core Competency                  KEY:  Bloom's: Knowledge
     5.   List the seven categories of human resources functions.
The seven categories of human resources functions are:
(1) Strategy and Planning
(2) Employee and Labor Relations
(3) Risk Management and Worker Protection
(4) Rewards
(5) Talent Management
(6) Staffing
(7) Equal Employment Opportunity
PTS:   1                    DIF:    Easy               OBJ:   LO: 01-03       NAT:  BUSPROG: Analytic
TOP:   HR Management Functions             KEY:  Bloom's: Knowledge 
     6.   What is the definition of an expatriate?
An expatriate is a citizen of one country who is working in a second country and employed by an organization headquartered in the first country.
PTS:   1                    DIF:    Easy               OBJ:   LO: 01-04       NAT:  BUSPROG: Analytic
TOP:   Human Resources Management Challenges                       KEY:  Bloom's: Knowledge
     7.   Briefly describe a host-country national.
A host-country national is a citizen of one country who is working in that country and employed by an organization headquartered in a second country. Host-country nationals often know the culture, politics, laws, and business customs better than an outsider would.
PTS:   1                    DIF:    Easy               OBJ:   LO: 01-04       NAT:  BUSPROG: Analytic
TOP:   Human Resources Management Challenges                       KEY:  Bloom's: Knowledge
     8.   Briefly describe a third-country national.
A third-country national is a citizen of one country who is working in a second country and employed by an organization headquartered in a third country. For example, a U.S. citizen working for a British oil company as a manager in Norway is a third-county national. Staffing with third-country nationals shows a truly global approach.
PTS:   1                    DIF:    Easy               OBJ:   LO: 01-04       NAT:  BUSPROG: Analytic
TOP:   Human Resources Management Challenges                       KEY:  Bloom's: Knowledge
     9.   List the four elements of ethics programs whose existence is most likely to lead to ethical behavior.
When the following four elements of ethics programs exist, ethical behavior is more likely to occur:
(1) A written code of ethics and standards of conduct
(2) Training on ethical behavior for all executives, managers, and employees
(3) Advice to employees on ethical situations they face, often made by human resource
(4) Systems for confidential reporting of ethical misconduct or questionable behavior
PTS:   1                    DIF:    Moderate        OBJ:   LO: 01-05       NAT:  BUSPROG: Analytic
TOP:   Organizational Ethics and Human Resource Management            



