
Organizational Behavior 18th Edition by Stephen P. Robbins test bank

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LO:  1.4: Identify the major behavioral science disciplines that contribute to OB.
AACSB:  Analytical thinking
Difficulty:  Moderate
Quest. Category:  Application
56) You are bringing together faculty from different behavioral disciplines to author a new textbook in organizational behavior. Represented are professors from psychology, sociology, social psychology, anthropology, political science, and industrial engineering. Which faculty member is most likely to furnish information about personality, learning, and motivation?
A) sociology
B) psychology
C) anthropology
D) political science
E) industrial engineering
Answer:  B
Explanation:  Psychology seeks to measure, explain, and sometimes change the behavior of humans and other animals. Psychology's focus on the individual has led to contributions in the areas of learning, personality, emotions, motivational forces, and more.
LO:  1.4: Identify the major behavioral science disciplines that contribute to OB.
AACSB:  Analytical thinking
Difficulty:  Easy
Quest. Category:  Application

57) Myriam is analyzing the gender roles of men and women in management in the United States and comparing them to the gender roles in management in Japan. She is surveying fifty male and fifty female managers in each country to compare their daily behavior. Myriam's study exemplifies how ________ contributes to OB.
A) anthropology
B) psychology
C) archaeology
D) political science
E) corporate strategy
Answer:  A
Explanation:  Myriam is an anthropologist. Much of our current understanding of organizational culture, organizational environments, and differences among national cultures is a result of the work of anthropologists or those using their methods.
LO:  1.4: Identify the major behavioral science disciplines that contribute to OB.
AACSB:  Analytical thinking
Difficulty:  Moderate
Quest. Category:  Application
58) One major study area of social psychology is change, how to implement it, and how to reduce barriers to its acceptance.
Answer:  TRUE
Explanation:  Social psychology, generally considered a branch of psychology, blends concepts from both psychology and sociology to focus on people's influence on one another. One major study area of social psychology is change, how to implement it, and how to reduce barriers to its acceptance.
LO:  1.4: Identify the major behavioral science disciplines that contribute to OB.
Difficulty:  Easy
Quest. Category:  Concept
59) While sociology focuses on the individual, psychology studies people in relation to their social environment or culture.
Answer:  FALSE
Explanation:  While psychology focuses on the individual, sociology studies people in relation to their social environment or culture.
LO:  1.4: Identify the major behavioral science disciplines that contribute to OB.
Difficulty:  Easy
Quest. Category:  Concept
60) Psychology seeks to measure, explain, and sometimes change the behavior of humans and other animals.
Answer:  TRUE
Explanation:  Psychology seeks to measure, explain, and sometimes change the behavior of humans and other animals.
LO:  1.4: Identify the major behavioral science disciplines that contribute to OB.
Difficulty:  Easy
Quest. Category:  Concept
61) Entomology is the study of societies to learn about human beings and their activities.
Answer:  FALSE
Explanation:  Anthropology is the study of societies to learn about human beings and their activities.
LO:  1.4: Identify the major behavioral science disciplines that contribute to OB.
Difficulty:  Easy
Quest. Category:  Concept
62) How have the fields of psychology and sociology contributed to our understanding of organizational behavior?
Answer:  Psychology seeks to measure, explain, and change the behavior of humans. Early industrial/organizational psychologists studied the problems of fatigue, boredom, and other working conditions that could impede efficient work performance. More recently, their contributions have expanded to include learning, perception, personality, emotions, training, leadership effectiveness, needs and motivational forces, job satisfaction, decision-making processes, performance appraisals, attitude measurement, employee-selection techniques, work design, and job stress. Sociology studies people in relation to their social environment or culture. The greatest contributions by sociologists have been in the study of group behavior in organizations, organizational culture, formal organization theory and structure, organizational technology, communications, power, and conflict.



