
Organizational Behavior 18th Edition by Stephen P. Robbins test bank

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Answer:  D
Explanation:  Processes are actions that individuals, groups, and organizations engage in as a result of inputs and that lead to certain outcomes. At the organizational level, human resource management and change of practices are examples of processes.
LO:  1.7: Compare the three levels of analysis in this text's OB model.
Difficulty:  Easy
Quest. Category:  Concept
102) ________ is an example of an outcome at the organizational level.
A) Productivity
B) Diversity
C) Personality
D) Mood
E) Culture
Answer:  A
Explanation:  Outcomes are the key variables that one wants to explain or predict and that are affected by some other variables. At the organizational level, overall productivity and survival are examples of outcomes.
LO:  1.7: Compare the three levels of analysis in this text's OB model.
Difficulty:  Easy
Quest. Category:  Concept
103) Which of the following is an example of an outcome at an individual level?
A) structure
B) culture
C) politics
D) power
E) attitude
Answer:  E
Explanation:  Outcomes are the key variables that one wants to explain or predict and that are affected by some other variables. At the individual level, examples of outcomes are attitudes, stress, citizenship behavior, and withdrawal behavior.
LO:  1.7: Compare the three levels of analysis in this text's OB model.
Difficulty:  Easy
Quest. Category:  Concept

104) The discretionary behavior that is not part of an employee's formal job requirements and that contributes to the psychological and social environment of the workplace is called organizational ________ behavior.
A) withdrawal
B) associative
C) networked
D) citizenship
E) cohesive
Answer:  D
Explanation:  The discretionary behavior that is not part of an employee's formal job requirements and that contributes to the psychological and social environment of the workplace is called organizational citizenship behavior.
LO:  1.7: Compare the three levels of analysis in this text's OB model.
Difficulty:  Easy
Quest. Category:  Concept
105) Group ________ is the extent to which members of a group support and validate one another at work.
A) affect
B) associability
C) think
D) cohesion
E) maturity
Answer:  D
Explanation:  Group cohesion is the extent to which members of a group support and validate one another at work. In other words, a cohesive group is one that sticks together.
LO:  1.7: Compare the three levels of analysis in this text's OB model.
Difficulty:  Easy
Quest. Category:  Concept
106) Evidence that an organization is able to exist and grow over the long term is called organizational survival.
Answer:  TRUE
Explanation:  Organizational survival is evidence that an organization is able to exist and grow over the long term.
LO:  1.7: Compare the three levels of analysis in this text's OB model.
Difficulty:  Easy
Quest. Category:  Concept
107) Productivity refers to the degree to which an organization can achieve its ends at a low cost.
Answer:  FALSE
Explanation:  Productivity refers to the combination of the effectiveness and efficiency of an organization while the degree to which an organization can achieve its ends at a low cost is known as efficiency.
LO:  1.7: Compare the three levels of analysis in this text's OB model.
Difficulty:  Easy
Quest. Category:  Concept
108) The discretionary behavior that is not part of an employee's formal job requirements and that contributes to the psychological and social environment of the workplace is called cohesive behavior.
Answer:  FALSE
Explanation:  The discretionary behavior that is not part of an employee's formal job requirements and that contributes to the psychological and social environment of the workplace is called organizational citizenship behavior.
LO:  1.7: Compare the three levels of analysis in this text's OB model.
Difficulty:  Easy
Quest. Category:  Concept
109) Group functioning refers to the quantity and quality of a group's work output.
Answer:  TRUE
Explanation:   Group functioning refers to the quantity and quality of a group's work output. In the same way that the performance of a sports team is more than the sum of individual players' performances, group functioning in work organizations is more than the sum of individual task performances.
LO:  1.7: Compare the three levels of analysis in this text's OB model.



