
Global Business Today: Asia-Pacific Perspective 5th edition by Charles W. L. Hill Test bank

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country we have seen state-owned businesses privatised, widespread deregulation adopted,
markets opened to more competition, and commitment increased to removing barriers to cross-
border trade and investment. All of this helps to:
A. achieve economic dominance over the rest of the world.
B. ensure that authoritarian governments shift their emphasis towards more democratic controls.
C. facilitate a move towards the establishment of a more global economic system.
D. predict shifts (along with their attendant risks) in the economic, political, social, technological
and environmental structures of the world.
49. The Group of Twenty (G20) is an international forum comprising the government
representatives of the G8 and other economies, including the emerging economies of Brazil,
China and India, as a reflection of their rising global economic and political power to:
Hill (2019), Global Business Today 5e, McGraw-Hill Education (Australia)
Chapter 01 Testbank
A. achieve economic dominance over the rest of the world.
B. ensure that authoritarian governments shift their emphasis towards more democratic controls.
C. help facilitate continuing globalisation and trade liberalisation.
D. predict shifts (along with their attendant risks) in the economic, political, social, technological
and environmental structures of the world.
50. A sovereign wealth fund is a:
A. government-controlled fund that manages and invests government savings.
B. privately controlled fund that manages and invests private sector savings.
C. pseudo-controlled fund that manages both private and government savings.
D. savings fund for the benefit of countries in the Commonwealth only.
51. Each market is a product of idiosyncratic historical, political, legal, economic and cultural
forces within the country. Understanding these conditions and learning how to work with them in
the specific market is the key to taking advantage of the growth opportunities that emerging
markets offer in the______________.
A. 19th century
B. 20th century
C. 21st century
D. 18th century
52. The Group of Eight (G8) comprises representatives of the governments of Canada, France,
Germany, Italy, Japan, Russia, the United Kingdom and the United States. It represents
A. 100 million
B. 200 million
C. 300 million
D. 900 million
53. The changing shape of the global economy can be examined by the following except:
A. the changing world output and world trade picture.
B. the changing foreign direct investment picture.
C. the changing nature of marketing.
D. the changing world order.
54. Concerns over _________________ , lower wages and growing income inequality
are frequently voiced by globalisation opponents.
A. job losses
B. job promotions
C. transfers
D. job promotions with transfers
Hill (2019), Global Business Today 5e, McGraw-Hill Education (Australia)
Chapter 01 Testbank
55. Many influential economists, politicians and business leaders believe that globalisation
stimulates economic growth, raises the incomes of consumers, and helps to
create________________that participate in the global trading system.
A. jobs in all countries
B. patents in all countries
C. copyrights in all countries
D. trademarks in all countries
56. Critics of globalisation argue that despite the supposed benefits associated with free trade and
investment, over the past 100 years or so the gap between the rich and poor nations of the world
A. no significant change
B. widened
C. become balanced
D. become smaller
57. The richest nations of the world can also help by reducing barriers to the importation of
products from the world’s poorest nations, particularly tariffs on imports of
___________products and textiles.
A. electronic
B. agricultural
C. service
D. manufacturing
58. The minimum that a firm has to do to engage in international business is to:
A. export or import products from other countries.
B. invest directly in operations in another country.
C. establish joint ventures or strategic alliances with companies in other countries.
D. export low-wage manufacturing jobs to companies in other countries.
59. Free trade alone, some argue, is a necessary but not sufficient prerequisite to help ‘highly
indebted poorer countries’ (HIPCs) bootstrap themselves out of poverty. They also recommend
A. a highly regulated command economy.
B. weaker property rights laws.
C. weaker labour regulations.
D. large-scale debt relief.
60. The rise of the _______ has lowered the barriers that small companies face in providing



