
Canadian Business Law Today 1st Canadian Edition By Nancy Breen Test bank

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Answer: True False
39) Common law is used in all courts of Canada. 39)
Answer: True False
40) Canada adopted common law from Britain. 40)
Answer: True False
41) Statute law is a set of codes, rules, and regulations that have been enacted by
Answer: True False
42) Common law is case law or judge made precedent law. 42)
Answer: True False
43) Stare decisis means that judges in lower courts must follow decisions from higher courts
in their provinces.
Answer: True False
44) A business can use common law as precedent to help make its decisions involving legal
Answer: True False
45) The Constitution Act 1867 outlines the executive and legislative powers of federal and
provincial governments.
Answer: True False
46) The Constitution Act 1982 entrenches the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms as
well as other rights such as Aboriginal rights.
Answer: True False
47) A statute is a law enacted at the municipal, provincial, or federal level. 47)
Answer: True False
48) Regulations are laws developed by departments and other organizations in specific areas. 48)
Answer: True False
49) A business needs to only be aware of statutes made for the province in which it does
Answer: True False
50) Canada has three (3) branches of government. 50)
Answer: True False
51) The role of the judiciary is to interpret and pronounce the law. 51)
Answer: True False
52) The executive branch of government has the power to make, alter, and repeal the laws. 52)
Answer: True False
53) The legislative branch of government has the power to make, alter and repeal the laws. 53)
Answer: True False
54) The executive branch of government is responsible for administering and enforcing the
Answer: True False
55) The legislative branch of government is responsible for administering and enforcing the
Answer: True False
56) Court decisions are based on what the law says and what the evidence proves. 56)
Answer: True False
57) The hierarchy of courts is the same in each province. 57)
Answer: True False
58) Alternative Dispute Resolution is a process to resolve disputes in a way that does not
involve going to court.
Answer: True False
59) Mediation and arbitration are examples of ADR. 59)
Answer: True False
60) ADR is usually less expensive than litigation. 60)
Answer: True False
61) ADR is usually more expensive than litigation. 61)
Answer: True False
62) ADR is usually less time consuming than litigation. 62)
Answer: True False
63) ADR is usually more time consuming than litigation. 63)
Answer: True False
64) ADR is usually less private than litigation. 64)
Answer: True False
65) ADR is usually more private than litigation. 65)
Answer: True False
66) ADR can preserve the goodwill between the parties. 66)
Answer: True False
67) ADR can harm the goodwill between the parties. 67)
Answer: True False
MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the question.
68) Which of the following is not required to be put into a privacy policy? 68)
A) How the information is going to be shared with third parties.
B) Details on how the information is being kept secure.
C) Details of the impact of the information on the business.
D) A pledge to protect the client's privacy.
Answer: C
69) The Personal Information Protection and Electronics Documents Act is: 69)
A) A federal statute that applies in none of the provinces.
B) A provincial statute that applies in all provinces.
C) A provincial statute that applies in one province only.
D) A federal statute that applies in all provinces.
Answer: D
70) As a general rule, it is best for a businessperson to: 70)
A) Resolve legal business problems without legal advice.
B) Get legal advice after making any business decision.
C) Get legal advice before making complex legal business decisions.
D) Get legal advice before making any business decision.
Answer: C
71) Having access to legal advice is: 71)
A) A critical component of a risk management plan.
B) Usually too expensive to be worthwhile.
C) A legal requirement of operating a business.
D) Only necessary for large companies.
Answer: A
72) Which of the following is not a good reason for a businessperson to seek advice from a
A) The businessperson cannot find the necessary legal information.
B) The businessperson cannot understand the necessary legal information.
C) It would take too long for the businessperson to find the necessary legal



