
Canadian Business Law Today 1st Canadian Edition By Nancy Breen Test bank

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D) The necessary legal information is available online.
Answer: D
73) The difference between law and ethics is that: 73)
A) Law tells us what we must do and ethics tells us what we should do
B) Law tells us what we should do and ethics tells us what we must do
C) Law tells us what others should do and ethics tells us what we must do
D) Law tells us what others must do and ethics tells us what we must do
Answer: A
74) Which one of the following is not a business stakeholder? 74)
A) Shareholders B) Suppliers C) Employees D) Customers
Answer: D
75) Which of the following is not an area of public law? 75)
A) Contract law B) Criminal law
C) Tax law D) Administrative law
Answer: A
76) Which of the following is not a white-collar crime? 76)
A) Identity theft B) Assault & battery
C) Tax evasion D) Bankruptcy fraud
Answer: B
77) Which of the following activities does not constitute a criminal activity? 77)
A) A business owner seeks insurance compensation for a property he or she lost in a
B) A business owner transfers his or her land to a related person before declaring
C) A business owner tells a friend about an undisclosed merger that will increase his or
her business's value
D) A business owner forgets to advise the accountant that he or she sold an asset
Answer: A
78) The Simpson brothers have applied to the Liquor License Board of their province to
obtain a wine and beer license for their new restaurant. Which of the following is not
A) The decisions of the Board become part of the administrative law of the province
B) All decisions of the Board are subject to approval by the provincial legislature
C) The Board is an administrative tribunal, not a court of law
D) The Simpsons will deal with civil servants rather than elected representatives while
applying for their license
Answer: B
79) When judges apply the principle of stare decisis in deciding a case before them they are,
in effect, applying:
A) Statute law B) Precedent law
C) Constitutional law D) Civil law
Answer: B
80) Which of the following statues outlines the executive and legislative powers of federal
and provincial governments?
A) Constitution Act 1982 B) Constitution Act 1867
C) Charter of Rights and Freedoms D) Constitution Act 1967
Answer: B
81) If you were a judge in a court system in Canada, which of the following would not
normally be a role that you might be called upon to perform?
A) Deciding whether or not federal legislation interfered with provincial legislative
B) Deciding whether or not a plumber has the proper qualifications to be granted a
C) Deciding whether or not an individual has breached the terms of a contract with
another individual.
D) Deciding whether a government agency has interfered with the constitutional rights
of a citizen.
Answer: B
82) The legislative branch of government refers to which of the following? 82)
A) Prime Minister and Cabinet B) Courts and Judges
C) Members of Parliament D) The Senate
Answer: C
83) The executive branch of government refers to which of the following? 83)
A) Prime Minister and Cabinet B) Courts and Judges
C) The Senate D) Members of Parliament
Answer: A
84) The judicial branch of government refers to which of the following? 84)
A) The Senate B) Prime Minister and Cabinet
C) Courts and Judges D) Members of Parliament
Answer: C



