
Strategic Management 5th Edition by Frank Rothaermel Test bank

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Multiple Choice Difficulty: 2 Medium Learning Objective: 01-03 Assess the
relationship between stakeholder
strategy and sustainable competitive

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Award: 1.00 point
Which of the following was a key motivator for participants in the Occupy movement of 2011?
the need for a capitalist economic system
the issue of income disparity
the need to reduce government intervention in businesses
the desire to dump ecologically dangerous products overseas
In the United States, the Occupy Wall Street protest movement was born in 2011 out of
dissatisfaction with the capitalist system. Issues of income disparity, corporate ethics, corporate
influence on governments, and ecological sustainability were key drivers.
Multiple Choice Difficulty: 1 Easy Learning Objective: 01-03 Assess the
relationship between stakeholder
strategy and sustainable competitive

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Award: 1.00 point
Sean, a retired CEO, invests capital in a start-up company that creates budgeting software. He
mentors the entrepreneur and the employees of the company because he wants the company to
perform well and survive in the market. Thus, Vincente is the start-up company’s
category captain.
Sean is the start-up company’s stakeholder. Stakeholders have a vested claim or interest in the
performance and continued survival of the firm. They can be organizations, groups, or individuals
who can affect or be affected by a firm’s actions.
Multiple Choice Difficulty: 2 Medium Learning Objective: 01-03 Assess the
relationship between stakeholder
strategy and sustainable competitive

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Award: 1.00 point
Green and Good Inc., a multinational company, relies on its media partner OmniSignal to regularly
advertise its offers, sales, and new products. OmniSignal is invested in this relationship because it
generates most of its revenue from advertising Green and Good’s products. In this scenario,
OmniSignal is Green and Good Inc.’s
internal stakeholder.
external stakeholder.
In this scenario, Radio Plus is Green and Good Inc.’s external stakeholder. External stakeholders
include customers, suppliers, alliance partners, creditors, unions, communities, media, and
governments at various levels.
Multiple Choice Difficulty: 2 Medium Learning Objective: 01-03 Assess the
relationship between stakeholder
strategy and sustainable competitive

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Award: 1.00 point
Award: 1.00 point
Leslie owns a large portion of Hue Apparel’s stock. However, she is not employed by the company.
In this scenario, Leslie is the company’s
external stakeholder.
internal stakeholder.
In this scenario, Leslie is the company’s internal stakeholder. Internal stakeholders of a firm include
stockholders, employees (including executives, managers, and workers), and board members.
Multiple Choice Difficulty: 3 Hard Learning Objective: 01-03 Assess the
relationship between stakeholder
strategy and sustainable competitive
Contour Inc., a vendor, regularly supplies capacitors to All Purpose Electronics for use in its
products. Therefore, Contour Inc. is All Purpose Electronics’
internal stakeholder.
external stakeholder.
Contour Inc. is All Purpose’s external stakeholder. External stakeholders include customers,
suppliers, alliance partners, creditors, unions, communities, media, and governments at various
Multiple Choice Difficulty: 2 Medium Learning Objective: 01-03 Assess the
relationship between stakeholder
strategy and sustainable competitive

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Award: 1.00 point
Award: 1.00 point
Which of the following best qualifies as a firm’s internal stakeholder?
an auditor assigned to the firm by a federal government agency
a labor union with whom the firm’s employees can affiliate
a manager taking care of the firm’s operations in a foreign market
a competitor manufacturing the same products as that of the firm
A manager taking care of the firm’s operations in a foreign market best qualifies as the firm’s
internal stakeholder. A firm’s internal stakeholders include stockholders, employees (including



