
Accounting Information Systems 15th edition by Marshall B Romney Test bank

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"So, Ashlee, how's it going down there in the shop?"

"Not so good, Shaman. Used to be we got a weekly pick list, so we knew how to plan production. Now, we got that computer system. Most of the time we can't get all of the information that we need. Is there some way to print out a list that has everything that we need?"

Shaman thought for a while before responding. "Well, Ashlee, to tell you the truth, I'm not so sure how to do it myself, but there must be a way. We'll bring in the consultants that helped us build the system. Maybe they can help."

Which of the following characteristics of useful information is absent in the situation described above?

A) relevant

B) reliable

C) complete

D) timely

E) understandable

F) verifiable

G) accessible

Answer:  C

Concept:  The concept of information

Objective:  Learning Objective 1

Difficulty:  Moderate

AACSB:  Analytical Thinking



20) Wisconsin Dells, Wisconsin, is a popular tourist destination. During the winter months, the population dwindles to a meager few, but when summer comes, the size of the town surges. Hunter Jackson is the town sanitation engineer. When the size of the town surges, so do his responsibilities. Among them is management of the sewage processing volume.

In an interview with the local paper, Hunter complained that a report on tourist population that he uses to adjust processing volume refers to data that was collected four days ago and it takes him a week to make adjustments.

Which of the following characteristics of useful information is absent in the situation described above?

A) relevant

B) reliable

C) complete

D) timely

E) understandable

F) verifiable

G) accessible

Answer:  D

Concept:  The concept of information

Objective:  Learning Objective 1

Difficulty:  Moderate

AACSB:  Analytical Thinking


21) Wisconsin Dells, Wisconsin, is a popular tourist destination. During the winter months, the population dwindles to a meager few, but when summer comes, the size of the town surges. Hunter Jackson is the town sanitation engineer. When the size of the town surges, so do his responsibilities. Among them is management of the sewage processing volume.

In an interview with the local paper, Hunter complained that a report on tourist population that he uses to adjust processing volume refers to data that was not always accurate and it is really giving him a hard time to make adjustments.

Which of the following characteristics of useful information is absent in the situation described above?

A) relevant

B) reliable

C) complete

D) timely

E) understandable

F) verifiable

G) accessible

Answer:  B

Concept:  The concept of information

Objective:  Learning Objective 1

Difficulty:  Moderate

AACSB:  Analytical Thinking



22) A frantic Barney Rubble lost a large sale because he could not access the system to verify the inventory was in stock and ready to be shipped. Which of the following characteristics of useful information is absent in the situation described above?

A) relevant

B) reliable

C) complete

D) timely

E) understandable

F) verifiable

G) accessible

Answer:  G

Concept:  The concept of information

Objective:  Learning Objective 1

Difficulty:  Easy

AACSB:  Analytical Thinking


23) Message left on voicemail: "Hi Nikki! Just landed at the airport. How about dinner this evening if you're available. Call me!" Which of the following characteristics of useful information is absent in the situation described above?
