
Industrial/Organizational Psychology: An Applied Approach 8th Edition by Michael G. Aamodt Test bank

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 c. ​intervening variable
 d. ​control variable
33. ​Manipulating the _____ best distinguishes experimental research methods from other research methods.
 a. ​dependent variable
 b. ​intervening variable
 c. ​statistical results
 d. ​independent variable
34. ​In an experiment designed to test the effect of noise on employee performance, noise is the ______ and employee performance is the ______.
 a. ​dependent variable/independent variable
 b. ​dependent variable / control variable
 c. ​independent variable/dependent variable
 d. ​control variable / dependent variable
35. ​Researchers at IBM think that employees who get to chose their own working hours will be more satisfied than those who do not. To test this idea, IBM employees at the Dallas facility are told that they can chose their own hours. Six months later, the satisfaction level of employees in the Dallas facility is compared to employees in the Knoxville facility. The employees in the Knoxville facility are considered the:
 a. ​dependent variable
 b. ​control group
 c. ​experimental group
 d. ​independent variable
36. ​The main difference between a quasi-experiment and an experiment is that the independent variable:
 a. ​is manipulated in an experiment
 b. ​is manipulated in a quasi-experiment
 c. ​has 3 levels in an experiment
 d. ​cannot be measured in a quasi-experiment
37. ​Even though they lack control, ____ are used due to ____ reasons.
 a. ​experiments / ethical
 b. ​correlational designs / historical
 c. ​archival methods / statistical
 d. ​quasi-experiments/ethical & practical
38. ​_____ research sacrifices external validity for control of extraneous variables whereas _____ research sacrifices the control of extraneous variables for external validity.
 a. ​Laboratory / field
 b. ​Field / laboratory
 c. ​Archival / quasi-experimental
 d. ​Quasi-experimental /archival
39. Which of the following research methods uses previously collected company records?​
 a. ​Experimental
 b. ​Survey
 c. ​Archival
 d. ​Meta-analysis
40. If I went through my employee files to determine what type of person makes the best
employee, I would probably be conducting:
 a. ​archival research
 b. ​a meta-analysis
 c. ​a field study
 d. ​an experiment
41. Which of the following survey methods has the lowest response rate?​
 a. ​Interview
 b. ​Email
 c. ​Mail
 d. ​The three have equal response rates
42. ​you used an email survey, your results would be representative of the population in terms of:
 a. ​sex
 b. ​race
 c. ​both sex and race
 d. ​neither sex nor race
43. Which of the following will increase the response rates to mailed surveys?
 a. ​Include a monetary incentive
 b. ​Keep the survey under 4 pages
 c. ​Have a university sponsor the survey
 d. ​All will increase response rates
44. A researcher sent a survey containing 5 questions to a sample of 500 employees. The wording was easy to understand and the researcher offered a financial incentive yet few employees returned the survey. What might be the reason for this low response?​
 a. ​The number of questions
 b. ​The use of a financial incentive
 c. ​The easy-to-understand wording
 d. ​None of the three is a reasonable explanation
45. ​_______ is a method of reaching conclusions based on the statistical combination of several previous research studies.
 a. ​The experimental method



