
Industrial/Organizational Psychology: An Applied Approach 8th Edition by Michael G. Aamodt Test bank

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 b. ​Quasi-experimental analysis
 c. ​Archival research
 d. ​Meta-analysis
46. In a meta-analysis conducted to see if a particular training method is better than another,
the proper effect size to use would be:
 a. d
 b. r
 c. Z
 d. t
47. ​Meta-analyses looking at the difference between two groups would use ___ as the effect size whereas meta-analyses looking at the relationship between two variables would use ___ as the effect size.
 a. ​d / r
 b. ​r / d
 c. ​t / d
 d. ​t / F
48. An effect size (d) of .20 is considered:​
 a. ​small
 b. large
 c. ​moderate
 d. ​significant
49. The statistical "averaging" of effect sizes across previous empirical studies defines:​
 a. ​experimental research
 b. ​meta-analysis
 c. ​correlational research
 d. ​archival research
50. A large research sample is nice to have, however, it may not be necessary if the experimenter can choose a ______ sample and control for many of the ______ variables.​
 a. ​random / extraneous
 b. ​extraneous / random
 c. ​representative / nuisance
 d. ​homogeneous / confounding 
51. The majority of research in the field of I/O psychology is conducted at universities using students as subjects rather than employees. In fact, college students serve as subjects in approximately ____ percent of all published I/O research.​
 a. ​5%
 b. ​50%
 c. ​85%
 d. ​99%
52. In general, the majority of the research comparing college student samples with actual employee samples conclude that college students behave _______ real world samples.​
 a. ​similar to
 b. ​different than
 c. ​No research is available
 d. ​The research results are inconsistent
53. A _____ implies that each person in the population has an equal chance of being selected.​
 a. ​random sample
 b. ​convenience sample
 c. ​random assignment
 d. ​convenience assignment
54. Most research in industry uses a ________ sample.​
 a. ​random
 b. ​convenience sample
 c. ​free sample
 d. ​stratified sample
55. A teacher wants to see if there are any differences in the test scores of students who take her exam on the computer and those who take her exam the traditional paper and pencil way. Students with an odd digit at the end of their student ID number are required to take her midterm exam on the computer and those with an even digit are required to take a paper and pencil exam. Her study has a _____ sample with _____.​
 a. ​random / random assignment
 b. ​convenience / random assignment
 c. ​convenience / nonrandom assignment
 d. ​random / nonrandom
56. After all the data have been collected, the results are then:​
 a. ​filed for future use
 b. ​shared between colleagues
 c. ​statistically analyzed
 d. data collection never ends
57. The level of statistical significance that we use in psychology is:​
 a. ​.01
 b. ​.05
 c. ​.10
 d. ​.50
58. ​The statistical significance of research results tell us the probability that:
 a. ​our results were due to chance
 b. ​our results are useful
 c. ​our results are biased
 d. ​all of these are true
59. Significance levels tell us the ______ significance of a study and effect size tells us the _______ of a study.​
 a. ​statistical / alpha level
 b. ​practical / beta level



