
Industrial/Organizational Psychology: An Applied Approach 8th Edition by Michael G. Aamodt Test bank

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 c. ​practical / statistical significance
 d. ​statistical / practical significance
60. Which of the following represents the strongest correlation?​
 a. ​- .05
 b. ​+.45
 c. ​+.10
 d. ​- .47
61. If a researcher calculated a correlation coefficient of r = 1.27 between two variables, you would conclude that there is a(n):​
 a. ​high correlation
 b. ​very low correlation
 c. ​error in the calculation
 d. ​moderately low positive correlation
62. The use of correlational analysis does not allow you to infer a cause and effect relationship. This is because a third variable, a(n) ______ variable, often accounts for the relationship between the two variables.​
 a. ​intervening
 b. ​nuisance
 c. ​confounding
 d. ​dependent
63. A researcher finds a strong correlation between job satisfaction and performance. What can he conclude from this correlation?​
 a. ​Satisfaction causes good performance
 b. ​Good performance causes job satisfaction
 c. ​Satisfaction and performance are related
 d. ​He can conclude all three
64. In a ______ ethical dilemma, there is a high level of uncertainty as to what is right or wrong.​
 a. ​rationalizing
 b. ​Type A
 c. ​type B
 d. ​deconstructive
Objective Short Answer
65. ​What are the three major fields of I/O psychology?
ANSWER:  personnel psychology
organizational psychology
human factors/ergonomics
66. ​What are the three reasons your book listed for why you should be interested in research?
ANSWER:  answer questions and make decisions
we encounter research everyday
common sense is often wrong
67. What are the three sampling methods listed in the text?​
ANSWER:  random selection
random assignment
68. What are the differences between ideas, hypotheses, and theories?​
ANSWER:  An idea is a general question about a topic.
A hypothesis is an educated prediction about the answer to a question. 
A theory is the explanation for why the hypothesis is true.​
69. ​What are important considerations when choosing a research sample?
ANSWER:  Sample size
The type of participant (e.g. student v. professional)
Sampling method (random, convenience, convenience with random assignment)
Inducements to participate
The use of informed consent



