
Entrepreneurship: The Practice and Mindset 1st Edition by Heidi M. Neck Test bank

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Ans: A
Learning Objective: 1.5. Illustrate the global diversity of entrepreneurship and its impact.
Cognitive Domain: Comprehension
Answer Location: Global Entrepreneurship
Difficulty Level: Medium
AACSB Standard: Diverse and multicultural work environments
32. Women want to become entrepreneurs ______.        
a. for the same reasons as men: to support themselves and their families,  to attain fulfillment of having a career, and to satisfy a desire for financial independence
b. for universal reasons worldwide, to attain fulfillment of having a career, and financial independence
c. to not fear poverty
d. so they can fall back on their husbands and family members if they fail
Ans: A
Learning Objective: 1.5. Illustrate the global diversity of entrepreneurship and its impact.
Cognitive Domain: Comprehension
Answer Location: Global Entrepreneurship
Difficulty Level: Medium
AACSB Standard: Diverse and multicultural work environments
33. The gap of venture capital available for men as compared to women is 5 to 15% women to 85 to 95% men.  The evidence from the 2014 Diana Project ______.
a. suggests that it is not the women entrepreneurs who need to adapt, but the venture capital model needs to be re-evaluated and updated to keep up with the changing landscape of women’s  entrepreneurship
b. suggests that women-owned businesses are more risky than men-owned businesses
c. indicates that the men are more interested in developing highly industrialized business while women are more interested in the social/selling business models
d. supports the theory that a business really does not need a large amount of capital to be successful.
Ans: A
Learning Objective: 1.5. Illustrate the global diversity of entrepreneurship and its impact.
Cognitive Domain: Comprehension
Answer Location: Global Entrepreneurship
Difficulty Level: Medium
AACSB Standard: Diverse and multicultural work environments
34. What makes a country more entrepreneurial than another?
a. It is simply a matter of economics and the level to which a country has developed.
b. Conditions need to be in place to help small and medium businesses to flourish, including support from the government, education, entry regulation, physical infrastructure, and cultural and social norms.
c. the import–export relationships with the United States and the European Economic Community
d. The population drives the market; the larger the population, the more supportive a country can be to the entrepreneurs.
Ans: B
Learning Objective: 1.5. Illustrate the global diversity of entrepreneurship and its impact.
Cognitive Domain: Comprehension
Answer Location: What Makes a Country Entrepreneurial?
Difficulty Level: Medium
AACSB Standard: Diverse and multicultural work environments
35.   According to Yunus, the professor of economics who started the Grameen Bank, the name Grameen means
a. to trust
b. bank of the villages
c. of the people, for the people
d. small
Ans: B
Learning Objective: 1.1. Explain the importance of action and practice in entrepreneurship.
Cognitive Domain: Knowledge
Answer Location: Entrepreneurship Requires Action and Practice
Difficulty Level: Easy
AACSB Standard: Social responsibility
36. Professor Yunus of the Grameen Bank placed borrowers into small groups and lent to a few; the others would qualify for their loans when the first group began paying their loans back. This process created ______.
a. motivation, accountability, and empowerment
b. competition and greed
c. respect among  the women in this cultural setting
d. respect from the men
Ans: A
Learning Objective: 1.1. Explain the importance of action and practice in entrepreneurship.
Cognitive Domain: Knowledge
Answer Location: Entrepreneurship Requires Action and Practice
Difficulty Level: Easy
AACSB Standard: Social responsibility
37. Entrepreneurship is for ______ if given the opportunity to practice.
a. everyone
b. only men
c. only the poor
d. only the lucky
Ans: A
Learning Objective: 1.1. Explain the importance of action and practice in entrepreneurship.
Cognitive Domain: Knowledge
Answer Location: Entrepreneurship Requires Action and Practice
Difficulty Level: Easy
AACSB Standard: Social responsibility
38. Bob, a young person with ideas for his own business, is from a small town and he has no hope of becoming a successful entrepreneur because he does not have the media presence of Gates, Jobs, Zuckerberg, or Musk. This faulty thinking is due to ______.
a. media images of entrepreneurs



