
Natural Hazards: Earth’s Processes As Hazards, Disasters, and Catastrophes 4th Edition by Edward A.

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25) Which of the following statements best explains why events that have caused disasters in the past are now causing catastrophes?

A) People are less aware of disasters and are less prepared.

B) Governments are not as interested in preparing for disasters as they were in the past.

C) Human population growth has caused a greater concentration of population in certain areas and puts a greater demand on earth's resources.

D) The earth is aging and therefore becoming more prone to natural hazards.

E) Scientists understand less today about disasters than they did in the past.

Answer:  C

Diff: 2

Section:  1.4 Fundamental Concepts for Understanding Natural Processes as Hazards

Bloom's Taxonomy:  Application

Learning Outcome:  1.9 Give reasons why increasing population and poor land-use practices compound the effects of natural hazards and can turn disasters into catastrophes.



26) What does the impact of natural hazards depend on?

A) Climate

B) Magnitude of the event

C) Frequency of the event

D) Land use

E) All of the above affect the impact of natural hazards.

Answer:  E

Diff: 1

Section:  1.4 Fundamental Concepts for Understanding Natural Processes as Hazards

Bloom's Taxonomy:  Knowledge

Learning Outcome:  1.7 Explain why the magnitude of a hazardous event is inversely related to its frequency.

27) Which statement is FALSE about world population?

A) Over the next 20 to 30 years, world population is expected to continue to increase with most of the population increase from wealthy nations and little population increase from poor nations due to their higher death rate.

B) With increasing world population we can generally expect more deaths from natural disasters because of more people living in hazardous areas.

C) Increasing world population can cause certain natural disasters to become more severe due to increasing human influence on those disasters.

D) If the global population were to continue to grow unchecked, it would eventually reach the Earth's carrying capacity.

Answer:  A

Diff: 1

Section:  1.4 Fundamental Concepts for Understanding Natural Processes as Hazards

Bloom's Taxonomy:  Knowledge

Learning Outcome:  1.9 Give reasons why increasing population and poor land-use practices compound the effects of natural hazards and can turn disasters into catastrophes.


28) Which of the following is NOT an anticipatory response to the problem of flooding?

A) Restricting building on sections of the floodplain

B) Requiring insurance for homes built in potentially hazardous areas

C) Building dams to control the water flow

D) Delivering food and clothing to the most hard-hit areas

E) Evacuating people before the floodwaters rise

Answer:  D

Diff: 2

Section:  1.4 Fundamental Concepts for Understanding Natural Processes as Hazards

Bloom's Taxonomy:  Application

Learning Outcome:  1.6 Explain how much of the damage caused by natural hazards is often related to decisions people make before, during, and after a hazardous event.



29) Which of the following is NOT a reactive response to Hurricane Katrina?

A) Avoid rebuilding in the areas of New Orleans that are below sea level

B) Homes are rebuilt.

C) People are given counseling for fears that they may still have.

D) Communication lines are restored.

E) Money is given by the government to rebuilt small businesses.

Answer:  A

Diff: 1

Section:  1.4 Fundamental Concepts for Understanding Natural Processes as Hazards

Bloom's Taxonomy:  Application

Learning Outcome:  1.6 Explain how much of the damage caused by natural hazards is often related to decisions people make before, during, and after a hazardous event.
