
Natural Hazards: Earth’s Processes As Hazards, Disasters, and Catastrophes 4th Edition by Edward A.

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30) Which of the following is an anticipatory response to earthquakes in San Francisco?

A) Monitoring along the San Andreas and other fault lines

B) Earthquake drills conducted in schools

C) Retrofitting older buildings that don't meet earthquake codes

D) Providing a fund for insurance for victims of the possible earthquake

E) All of the above are anticipatory responses to earthquakes.

Answer:  E

Diff: 2

Section:  1.4 Fundamental Concepts for Understanding Natural Processes as Hazards

Bloom's Taxonomy:  Application

Learning Outcome:  1.6 Explain how much of the damage caused by natural hazards is often related to decisions people make before, during, and after a hazardous event.


31) Which of the following statements is FALSE about benefits of natural hazards?

A) Flooding can provide nutrients to the land.

B) Volcanoes add new islands.

C) Landslides can dam rivers to create new lakes.

D) Wildfires clear old growth to create new forests.

E) Natural hazards are never beneficial and always cause disaster.

Answer:  E

Diff: 1

Section:  1.5 Many Hazards Provide a Natural Service Function

Bloom's Taxonomy:  Comprehension

Learning Outcome:  1.10 Explain how events we view as hazards provide natural service.



32) During the last century, the global temperature trend has increased, causing scientists to hypothesize about continued global warming. Which of the following is NOT an impact this might have on natural hazards?

A) Sea levels will rise, causing more erosion.

B) Magma will rise, causing more volcanoes.

C) Deserts are likely to expand.

D) Warmer ocean water will increase storm activity.

E) All of the above are impacts of climate change.

Answer:  B

Diff: 1

Section:  1.6 Global Climate Change and Hazards

Bloom's Taxonomy:  Comprehension

Learning Outcome:  1.11 Summarize links between climate change and natural hazards.


33) Catastrophes and natural disasters differ in the magnitude of the effect of the hazard.

Answer:  TRUE

Diff: 1

Section:  1.1 Why Studying Natural Hazards Is Important

Bloom's Taxonomy:  Comprehension

Learning Outcome:  1.1 Explain the difference between a disaster and a catastrophe.


34) Natural hazards in the U.S. only occur in the San Francisco area of California.

Answer:  FALSE

Diff: 1

Section:  1.1 Why Studying Natural Hazards Is Important

Bloom's Taxonomy:  Comprehension

35) Some kind of natural disaster is possible for almost every region of the United States.

Answer:  TRUE

Diff: 1

Section:  1.2 Role of History in Understanding Hazards

Bloom's Taxonomy:  Comprehension


36) The wealthiest countries generally have fewer deaths from natural disasters than poorer countries.

Answer:  TRUE

Diff: 1

Section:  1.1 Why Studying Natural Hazards Is Important

Bloom's Taxonomy:  Comprehension

Learning Outcome:  1.9 Give reasons why increasing population and poor land-use practices compound the effects of natural hazards and can turn disasters into catastrophes.



37) The size and frequency of natural hazards are unrelated to human interactions.

Answer:  FALSE

Diff: 1

Section:  1.2 Role of History in Understanding Hazards

Bloom's Taxonomy:  Comprehension

Learning Outcome:  1.2 Discuss the role of history in the understanding of natural hazards.
