
Natural Hazards: Earth’s Processes As Hazards, Disasters, and Catastrophes 4th Edition by Edward A.

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Bloom's Taxonomy:  Application

Learning Outcome:  1.2 Discuss the role of history in the understanding of natural hazards.


49) One of the problems with forecasting natural disasters is that hazardous processes always occur without warning.

Answer:  FALSE

Diff: 2

Section:  1.4 Fundamental Concepts for Understanding Natural Processes as Hazards

Bloom's Taxonomy:  Application

Learning Outcome:  1.8 Summarize how natural hazards are linked to one another and to the physical environment.


50) Risk assessment is a straightforward procedure in which scientists deal with abundant and exact data.

Answer:  FALSE

Diff: 2

Section:  1.4 Fundamental Concepts for Understanding Natural Processes as Hazards

Bloom's Taxonomy:  Application

Learning Outcome:  1.5 Synthesize the basics of risk assessment.


51) Natural disasters are defined as a response by the earth to human activities.

Answer:  FALSE

Diff: 2

Section:  1.4 Fundamental Concepts for Understanding Natural Processes as Hazards

Bloom's Taxonomy:  Comprehension

Learning Outcome:  1.1 Explain the difference between a disaster and a catastrophe.


52) Low magnitude (less damaging) natural hazards tend to occur more frequently than high magnitude (more damaging) natural hazards.

Answer:  TRUE

Diff: 1

Section:  1.4 Fundamental Concepts for Understanding Natural Processes as Hazards

Bloom's Taxonomy:  Comprehension

Learning Outcome:  1.7 Explain why the magnitude of a hazardous event is inversely related to its frequency.


53) Some events that used to be disasters in the past are now causing catastrophes.

Answer:  TRUE

Diff: 2

Section:  1.4 Fundamental Concepts for Understanding Natural Processes as Hazards

Bloom's Taxonomy:  Comprehension

Learning Outcome:  1.9 Give reasons why increasing population and poor land-use practices compound the effects of natural hazards and can turn disasters into catastrophes.



54) Earthquakes can often cause other disasters such as tsunami or landslides.

Answer:  TRUE

Diff: 1

Section:  1.4 Fundamental Concepts for Understanding Natural Processes as Hazards

Bloom's Taxonomy:  Knowledge

Learning Outcome:  1.8 Summarize how natural hazards are linked to one another and to the physical environment.

55) Human population growth is often considered the biggest environmental problem because there is no way to provide food for any additional people.

Answer:  FALSE

Diff: 1

Section:  1.4 Fundamental Concepts for Understanding Natural Processes as Hazards

Bloom's Taxonomy:  Comprehension

Learning Outcome:  1.9 Give reasons why increasing population and poor land-use practices compound the effects of natural hazards and can turn disasters into catastrophes.


56) Land use planning is one of the most effective ways to mitigate natural hazards.

Answer:  TRUE

Diff: 1

Section:  1.4 Fundamental Concepts for Understanding Natural Processes as Hazards

Bloom's Taxonomy:  Comprehension

Learning Outcome:  1.6 Explain how much of the damage caused by natural hazards is often related to decisions people make before, during, and after a hazardous event.


57) Natural disasters can be beneficial to the earth.

Answer:  TRUE

Diff: 1

Section:  1.5 Many Hazards Provide a Natural Service Function

Bloom's Taxonomy:  Knowledge

Learning Outcome:  1.10 Explain how events we view as hazards provide natural service.
