
Business Ethics: Decision Making for Personal Integrity & Social Responsibility 4th Edition Test ban

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B. Only those who have acquired significant shares in a firm
C. Anyone who audits a firm
D. Anyone who affects or is affected by decisions made within a firm
21. Identify the bill that was passed in April 2009 to amend the executive compensation provisions of the Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008 to prohibit unreasonable and excessive compensation and compensation not based on performance standards.
A. The Gramm-Rudman-Hollings Performance and Results Act
B. The Employee Pay Comparability Act
C. The Grayson-Himes Pay for Performance Act
D. The Statutory Pay-As-You-Go Act
22. Which of the following is a power granted to the Treasury secretary of the United States under the Grayson-Himes Pay for Performance Act?
A. Specifying which employees are eligible to be paid bonuses
B. Reviewing how companies give their bonuses
C. Reviewing the constitution of the boards of directors of companies
D. Specifying what criteria must be considered when elevating people to upper-management positions
23. Which of the following best describes ethics?
A. An academic discipline that originated in the early 1900s
B. A descriptive approach that provides an account of how and why people do act the way they do
C. The study of how human beings should properly live their lives
D. A descriptive approach such as psychology and sociology
24. Which of the following is an approach advocated while teaching ethics?
A. Teachers should teach ethical dogma to a passive audience.
B. Teachers should consider acceptance of customary norms as an adequate ethical perspective.
C. Teachers should understand that their role is only to tell the right answers to their students.
D. Teachers should challenge students to think for themselves.
25. Philosophers often state that ethics is _____, which means that it focuses on people's reasoning about how they should act.
A. normative
B. derivative
C. circumstantial
D. clinical
26. Which of the following observations is true of ethics?
A. It is descriptive in nature.
B. It deals with our reasoning about how we should act.
C. It provides an account of how and why people act the way they do.
D. It is equivalent to law-abiding behavior.
27. Social sciences such as psychology and sociology are different from ethics owing to the fact that they are _____.
A. normative in nature
B. descriptive in nature
C. conjectural in nature
D. clinical in nature
28. _____ seeks an account of the how and why people should act a certain way, rather than how they do act.
A. Sociology
B. Psychology
C. Ethics
D. Anthropology
29. Which of the following is a factor that distinguishes social sciences, such as psychology and sociology, from ethics?
A. Unlike ethics, these disciplines inquire why people act the way they do.
B. Unlike ethics, these disciplines are normative rather than descriptive.
C. Unlike ethics, these disciplines provide an account of how people should act.
D. Unlike ethics, these disciplines give directives about how people should act.
30. The _____ discipline provides an account of how and why people do act the way they do.
A. descriptive
B. supererogatory
C. normative
D. stipulative
31. Individual codes of conduct based on one's value structures regarding how one should live, how one should act, what one should do, and what kind of a person should one be is sometimes referred to as _____.
A. morality
B. independence
C. leadership
D. rationality
32. Morality is the aspect of ethics that we can refer to by the phrase "_____."
A. personal freedom
B. individual rationality
C. personal integrity
D. persuasive rationality
33. Ethics refers to the applications of _____ on which people's decisions are based.
A. values
B. morals
C. etiquettes
D. norms
34. Identify the area of ethics that raises questions about justice, law, civic virtues, and political philosophy.



