
The Changing Earth: Exploring Geology and Evolution 7th Edition by James S. Monroe Test bank

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1. Earth consists of two types of crust: lithospheric and oceanic.
 a. True
 b. False
ANSWER:  False
2. The solar nebula theory of the formation of the solar system accounts for the differences in composition between the terrestrial and Jovian planets.
 a. True
 b. False
3. Earth’s composition was originally homogeneous.
 a. True
 b. False
4. According to the theory of creation, all living organisms are related and they descended, with some modifications, from organisms that lived in the past.
 a. True
 b. False
ANSWER:  False
5. The central thesis of the theory of organic evolution is that the diversity of species on Earth in the past is the same as that of today.
 a. True
 b. False
ANSWER:  False
6. Natural selection refers to the ability of organisms to choose the habitat in which they feel most comfortable.
 a. True
 b. False
ANSWER:  False
7. The geologic time scale was first developed in the 19th century using radiometric-dating techniques.
 a. True
 b. False
ANSWER:  False
8. The principle of uniformitarianism is based on the idea that modern processes have operated throughout geologic time.
 a. True
 b. False
9. According to the principle of uniformitarianism, processes have occurred at the same rates throughout geologic time.
 a. True
 b. False
ANSWER:  False
10. Geologists use the Principle of Uniformitarianism as a basis to interpret the past and predict the future.
 a. True
 b. False
11. What theory explains the formation of a differentiated Earth consisting of layers?
 a. Darwin’s theory
 b. plate tectonic theory
 c. Einstein’s Theory of Relativity
 d. homogeneous accretion theory
 e. Big Bang
12. According to most scientists, what is the greatest environmental problem facing the world today?
 a. climate change
 b. the ozone hole
 c. water pollution
 d. overpopulation
 e. waste disposal
13. Most scientists believe that the Big Bang took place approximately ____ years ago.
 a. 140 billion
 b. 40 billion
 c. 14 billion
 d. 140 million
 e. 40 million
14. What type of rocks form at or near Earth’s surface?
 a. foliated rocks
 b. nonfoliated rocks
 c. sedimentary rocks
 d. igneous rocks
 e. metamorphic rocks
15. At the moment of the Big Bang, ____.
 a. all matter and energy were compressed into an infinitely small high-temperature and high-density state
 b. all matter and energy were infinitely expanded to populate the exact size of the universe
 c. the universe was entirely made of infinitely dense matter, because energy had not yet come into existence
 d. the universe in existence up to that point collapsed and inverted to became the current universe
 e. all of the chemical elements seen in the universe today were forged into existence
16. What are the terrestrial planets?
 a. Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune
 b. Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars
 c. Earth, Mars, and Jupiter
 d. Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto
 e. Mercury, Earth, Mars, and Pluto
17. What is the zone between Earth’s core and crust?
 a. innersphere
 b. lithosphere
 c. mantle
 d. convection center
 e. molten zone
18. Earth's core is likely to be ____.
 a. composed of rock with high silica content
 b. hollow
