
Business Ethics: Decision Making for Personal Integrity & Social Responsibility 4th Edition Test ban

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B. The law lays out clear-cut rules for reasonable accommodation.
C. The law has not been put into practice till date.
D. Mental disabilities have been left out of the purview of the law.
49. Practical reasoning is reasoning about:
A. what we should think.
B. what we should do.
C. what we should believe.
D. what we should share.
50. Reasoning about what should be done is known as _____ reasoning.
A. practical
B. objective
C. theoretical
D. predictive
51. Theoretical reasoning is reasoning about:
A. what we actually do.
B. what we should do.
C. what we should believe.
D. what we should implement.
52. _____ reasoning is reasoning about what we should believe.
A. Practical
B. Abstract
C. Theoretical
D. Descriptive
53. Which of the following is the pursuit of the highest standard for what we should believe?
A. Theoretical reason
B. Notional reason
C. Emotional reason
D. Practical reason
54. Which of the following is the great arbiter of truth according to the tradition of theoretical reason?
A. Religion
B. Customs
C. Science
D. Norms
55. Which of the following can be thought of as the answer to the fundamental questions of theoretical reason?
A. The scientific method
B. The practical approach
C. The contingency approach
D. The normative model
Fill in the Blank Questions

56. A _____ is anyone affected, for better or for worse, by the decisions made within a particular firm.
57. In an organizational context, _____ is the skill of creating a circumstance in which good people are able to do good, and bad people are prevented from doing bad.
58. _____ is the aspect of ethics that is referred to by the phrase "personal integrity."
59. _____ ethics asks us to simply step back from implicit everyday decisions to examine and evaluate them.
60. To say that ethics is a _____ discipline is to say that it deals with standards of appropriate and proper behavior
61. Normative disciplines presuppose some underlying _____.
62. Acts and decisions that seek to promote human welfare are based on _____.
63. One way to distinguish the various types of values is in terms of the ends they serve. _____ values serve the end of beauty.
64. The _____ Act requires employers to make reasonable accommodations for employees with disabilities.
65. _____ reasoning is reasoning about what we should believe.________________________________________

Essay Questions

66. Explain how ethical decisions are required to be made by every worker in a corporate setting, and how they have the capacity to influence more than just the decision maker.
67. Explain how the study of ethics was viewed until recently, and what kind of shift in focus has occurred post the scandals.

68. Describe the advantages associated with ethical decision making.
69. Discuss the hesitation (that may be justified) associated with teaching ethics. Explain briefly how the authors of this text believe that ethics can be taught constructively in a class.
70. Define ethics. How is it different from social sciences such as psychology and sociology?
71. Differentiate the concepts of morality and social ethics.
72. Why is "ethics" considered a normative discipline?
73. Define values, and discuss the element of corporate culture in detail.
74. Describe the two elements of ethical values.
75. Discuss the impact of maintaining that holding to the law is sufficient to fulfill one's ethical duties, and what it says about the law itself.
76. Explain the difficulties associated with telling a business that its ethical responsibilities end with obedience to the law.
77. Discuss the importance of precedents for most laws concerning business.
78. Define risk assessment.
79. While using the risk assessment model, what might the decision makers include in their assessment before taking action?
80. Differentiate between practical reason and theoretical reason.




