
Psychology An Exploration 4th Edition by Saundra Ciccarelli test bank

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               d) direction of the relationship; expectant functionality
Incorrect. Direction of the relationship is accurate but expectant functionality is a made-up term.
Topic: The Scientific Approach
ANS: b, Remember the Facts, LO 1.7 Explain how researchers use the correlational technique to study relationships between two or more variables., (2)
% correct 66      a= 10  b= 66  c= 13  d= 11      r = .47
% correct 67      a= 9  b= 67  c= 16  d= 8      r = .50
TB_01_131_The Scientific Approach_Apply_LO 1.7, APA 2.4
A correlation coefficient shows that alcohol consumption and driving accidents are indeed related. As a result, a researcher could predict ________ if the direction of the relationship is known.
the number of arrests a person has will go up or down based on the type of car an individual drives
the number of driving accidents a person has will go up or down based on the number of alcoholic drinks consumed
Correct. The directionality of the correlation coefficient can predict this relationship.
the number of arrests will increase the fewer drinks an individual consumes
the number of driving accidents a person has will contribute to the number of days spent in jail
Incorrect. The correlation mentioned did not include information about days spent in jail.
Topic: The Scientific Approach
ANS: b, Apply What You Know, LO 1.7 Explain how researchers use the correlational technique to study relationships between two or more variables., (2)
TB_01_132_The Scientific Approach_Analyze_LO 1.7, APA 2.4
Which of the following statements is correct concerning correlation coefficients?
               a) A correlation of +.89 is strong and –.89 is weak.
Incorrect. Both +.89 and –.89 are equally strong since they are the same distance from 0.
               b) A correlation of +.89 and –.89 are both strong and equally so.
Correct. Both +.89 and –.89 are the same distance from 0.
               c) Correlation coefficients are indicators of cause and effect.
               d) A correlation of +1.5 is very strong.
Topic: The Scientific Approach
ANS: b, Analyze It, LO 1.7 Explain how researchers use the correlational technique to study relationships between two or more variables., (3)
% correct 56      a= 15  b= 56  c= 4  d= 26      r = .19
% correct 66      a= 15  b= 66  c= 10  d= 8      r = .30
TB_01_133_The Scientific Approach_Remember_LO 1.7, APA 2.4
A perfect correlation, whether positive or negative, is ________ in the real world.
Incorrect. The correct answer is rare.
Correct. Perfect correlations are not common in actual life examples.
Topic: The Scientific Approach
ANS: d, Remember the Facts, LO 1.7 Explain how researchers use the correlational technique to study relationships between two or more variables., (1)
TB_01_134_The Scientific Approach_Apply_LO 1.7, APA 1.3, 2.4
As a project for a psychology course, a student correlated weight and intelligence scores for 250 students. The computed correlation coefficient was .00. What did the scatter plot look like?
             a) a random distribution of points
Correct. When there is no correlation, the points are distributed all over the scatter plot with no particular shape or direction.
             b) a line with a positive slope
Incorrect. A line with a positive slope indicates a correlation.
             c) a straight line from the lower left to the upper right-hand corner
             d) a straight line from the upper left to the lower right-hand corner
Topic: The Scientific Approach
ANS: a, Apply What You Know, LO 1.7 Explain how researchers use the correlational technique to study relationships between two or more variables., (1)
% correct 80      a= 80  b= 7  c= 9  d= 5      r = .34



