
Psychology An Exploration 4th Edition by Saundra Ciccarelli test bank

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            b) Participants must be allowed to make an informed decision.
Correct. It is a basic principle that participants must be allowed to make an informed decision.
     c) Participants cannot be subjected to shock of any kind.
Incorrect. It is not a basic principle that participants cannot be subjected to shock of any kind.
      d) Participants cannot be deceived about aspects of the research.
Topic: Ethics of Psychological Research
ANS: b, Remember the Facts, LO 1.10 Identify some of the common ethical guidelines for doing research with people., (2)
% correct 67      a= 3  b= 67  c= 14  d= 15      r = .26
APA=2.4; 3.1
TB_01_166_Ethics of Psychological Research_Analyze_LO 1.10, APA 2.4, 3.1
Experimenters can justify the use of deception because ________.
     a) there is informed consent                                     
     b) research is more important than people
Incorrect. It is a basic principle that people come first, research second.
     c) it may be necessary for the experiment to work
Correct. Deception is justified if the study wouldn’t work any other way.
     d) it is not that harmful
Topic: Ethics of Psychological Research
ANS: c, Analyze It, LO 1.10 Identify some of the common ethical guidelines for doing research with people., (2)
% correct 67      a= 24  b= 0  c= 67  d= 8      r = .21
APA=2.4; 3.1
TB_01_167_Ethics of Psychological Research_Remember_LO 1.10, APA 2.4, 3.1
Each of the following is a common ethical guideline suggested by the American Psychological Association EXCEPT ________.
     a) participants may withdraw at any time                                                           
     b) investigators must debrief participants when deception was used
Incorrect. It’s true that investigators must debrief participants.
     c) parents of infant participants must be informed about the study
     d) debriefing may be omitted when young children are involved
Correct. It’s not true that debriefing may be omitted when young children are involved.
Topic: Ethics of Psychological Research
ANS: d, Remember the Facts, LO 1.10 Identify some of the common ethical guidelines for doing research with people., (2)
APA=2.4; 3.1
Animal Research
Learning Objective 1.11 - Explain why psychologists sometimes use animals in their research.
TB_01_168_Ethics of Psychological Research_Remember_LO 1.11, APA 2.4, 3.1
Which of the following statements about research with animals is incorrect?
     a)   Animals are no longer allowed to be used in research in which it would be clearly unethical to use        humans.
Correct. It is not true that animals are no longer allowed to be used in research in which it would be clearly unethical to use humans.
  b) Scientists who oppose animal rights activists argue that the goals of scientific research justify some  
animal suffering, although they agree it should be minimized.
     c) Animals are only used in about 7 percent of psychological research.
     d) Animal researchers do not use anesthesia in surgery, causing some concern about pain.
Incorrect. Animal researchers use anesthesia in all surgery studies.
Topic: Ethics of Psychological Research
ANS: a, Remember the Facts, LO 1.11 Explain why psychologists sometimes use animals in their research., (3)
APA=2.4; 3.1
TB_01_169_Ethics of Psychological Research_Remember_LO 1.11, APA 2.4, 3.1
Which of the following statements concerning using animals in research is correct?
     a) There are no ethical guidelines when it comes to animals.
     b) There are rules that prevent the killing of animals.
Incorrect. Animals are destroyed, and there are no rules for preventing this.



